

<h1 align="center">QuickWall</h1> <div align="center" style="padding-top: 2em !important; padding-bottom: 2em; !important"> <img src=".github/qw.gif" style="border-radius: 4px !important;"> </div> <div align="center"> <br/>

<a href="#how-it-works">How It Works</a>   |   <a href="#installation">Installation</a>   |   <a href="#requirements">Requirements</a>   |   <a href="#usage">Usage</a>   |   <a href="#todo">TODO</a>   |   <a href="#acknowledgements">Acknowledgements</a>    <br/><br/>

forthebadge made-with-python<br/><br/> Travis (.org) License PyPI PyPI - Downloads PRs Welcome


How It Works

It detects your DE or WM, gets wallpapers from Unsplash and sets them using either your choice of wallpaper setter or by nitrogen. Not enough? It can also change your theme based on the wallpapers that it gets, thanks to pywal.


pip3 install QuickWall
yay -S quickwall

NOTE: The directory is changed from ~/.QuickWall to ~/.cache/QuickWall. Early users can use --migrate option to move their data.


python setup.py install

NOTE: If you get permission denied error, run the above command with sudo.


  1. Python 3.6+

  2. Currently supported wallpaper setters

NOTE: These dependencies in linux can be installed in other variants.
For arch linux, you can use pacman package manager accordingly.


usage: quickwall [-h] [--version] [--clear-cache] [--setter SETTER] [-d] [-t]
                 [--remove-id ID] [--dir DIR] [--id ID] [--random]
                 [--search TERM] [--migrate] [--set-lockscreen]
                 [--level LEVEL] [--list-level]

QuickWall - Quickly set latest wallpapers from Unsplash directly from the

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show the program version number and exit
  --clear-cache         Clear the cache from the cache folder
  --setter SETTER       Wallpaper setter to be used. Currently supported ones:
                        nitrogen, feh, xfce, kde, gnome, unity (default: auto)
  -d, --disable-blacklist
                        Disable adding the image to blacklisted ones.
  -t, --disable-theme   Disable setting a colorscheme extracted from the
  --remove-id ID        Remove the passed ID from the blacklist.
  --dir DIR             Directory to download the wallpapers
  --id ID               Get a photo by its ID.
  --random              Get random wallpapers.
  --search TERM         Show wallpapers based on the passed term
  --migrate             ONLY FOR EARLY USERS. Move the files from ~/.QuickWall
                        to ~/.cache/QuickWall.
  --set-lockscreen      Set lockscreen wallpaper (currently for KDE)

  --level LEVEL         The level of the logger that will be used while
                        verbosing. Use `--list-level` to check available
  --list-level          List all the available logger levels.

