

Inpainting Codebase

This repo implements a simple PyTorch codebase for training inpainting models with powerful tools including Docker, PyTorchLightning, and Hydra.

Currently, only DFNet is supported. More methods as well as some additional useful utilities for image inpainting will be implemented.


We use docker to run all experiemnts.



Build the environment

Build the image for the first time:

python core.py env prepare


The defualt setting of docker-compose.yml is shown as below, you can modify this setting before building accordingly:

version: "3.9"
        container_name: ${PROJECT}
        runtime: nvidia
            context: env/
            dockerfile: Dockerfile
                - USER_ID=${UID}
                - GROUP_ID=${GID}
                - USER_NAME=${USER_NAME}
        image: pytorch181_local
            - TZ=Asia/Shanghai
            - TORCH_HOME=/data/torch_model
        ipc: host
        hostname: docker
        working_dir: /code
        command: ['sleep', 'infinity']
            - ${CODE_ROOT}:/code
            - ${DATA_ROOT}:/data
            - ${LOG_ROOT}:/outputs

Get into the environment

Simply run:

python core.py env

The default user is the same as the host to avoid permission issues. And of course you can enter the container with root:

python core.py env --root

Modify the environment at anytime

Basiclly, the environment are determined by four items:

  1. /env/Dockerfile defines the logic of building the local docker image. For example, installing packages defined in requirements.txt based on deepbase/pytorch:latest.
  2. Base docker image. From /env/Dockerfile, you can find deepbase/pytorch is the base image. The original Dockerfile of the base image is at deepcodebase/docker. You can change the base image as whatever you like.
  3. /env/requirements.txt defines the python packages you want to install in the local docker image.
  4. /docker-compose.yml defines the setting of running the container. For example, the volumes, timezone, etc.

After changing the settings as you want at anytime, you can rebuild the local image by running:

python core.py env prepare --build


Data Prepartion

  1. Image data: any image data you like. e.g. Places2, ImageNet, etc. Place your dataset into your DATAROOT in your local machine (mapped to docker's /data). For example: DATAROOT/places2 is used for training by default.
  2. Masks: you can download and use free-form-mask. Decompress the file and place mask under DATAROOT.
  3. By default, inside the environment, you need to have places2 and mask under /data.
  4. If you use other datasets, remember to modify the settings especially the data location under conf/dataset.


After entering the environment, you can launch training. Example training commands:

python train.py
python train.py mode=run pl_trainer.gpus=\'3,4\' logging.wandb.notes="tune model"
python train.py +experiment=k80 mode=run logging.wandb.tags='[k80]'

This project use wandb for logging by default, it will prompt if you run training the first time:

wandb: (1) Create a W&B account
wandb: (2) Use an existing W&B account
wandb: (3) Don't visualize my results
wandb: Enter your choice:

just follow the steps and wandb is convenient and easy use. If you wan't to use tensorboard instead, just add the flag when running:

python train.py logging=tensorboard

Reading Suggestions

Reading the offical documents of Hydra and PyTorchLightning to know more about:


Results of DFNet

Training on Places2 with 20 epochs.


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