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This module provides client and server implementations to execute the CoinShuffle++ mixing protocol. While intended to be used to create Decred CoinJoin transactions, the client and server packages are generic enough to anonymously mix and join elements of any group.

This implementation differs from the protocol described by the CoinShuffle++ paper in the following ways:

Privacy guarantees and caveats

CoinShuffle++ provides creation of transactions with anonymized mixing of outputs with equally-sized amounts in a CoinJoin. It does not anonymize participation, transaction inputs, or change outputs. It is possible for a mix to be deanonymized in the future if participants reveal, maliciously or inadvertently, which mixed messages were theirs.

It is not possible to apply CoinShuffle++ to mix outputs with differing output amounts without aborting the protocol entirely upon run failure (rather than assigning blame, removing misbehaving peers, and starting another run). Doing so would deanonymize the final outputs by associating each peer with an output of the revealed amount. Therefore, only equally-sized outputs may be mixed anonymously.

Build requirements

All client packages and server software from this repo requires Go 1.13 or later.

In addition, the server software, found in the cmd/csppserver directory, depends on Flint2 to efficiently factor polynomials. This requires additional C libraries and headers to be installed for the server to compile and link against. On Ubuntu 18.04:

$ sudo apt-get install libflint-dev libmpfr-dev


cspp is released under a permissive ISC license.