

Figwheel React Native Hot Reloading (with Reagent)


  1. Clone the repo: https://github.com/decker405/figwheel-react-native.git
  2. cd figwheel-react-native
  3. Install node dependencies: npm i
  4. Run figwheel: lein figwheel or rlwrap lein figwheel (if rlwrap installed)
  5. Run packager: npm start or ./node_modules/react-native/packager/packager.sh
  6. Open ios/figTest.xcodeproj in Xcode
  7. Run app in simulator
  8. You should see the figwheel dependencies load in the Xcode Console
  9. Make changes to your code or in the repl and watch figwheel do it's magic

(Optionally (and it's a bit nicer to use) you can press ⌘ + D in the simulator and select Debug in Chrome to have your debug ouput in the chrome browser. Be warned that this can lead to errors with your code as Chrome's V8 and iOS' JavascriptCore have some functions that behave differently)

I also advise you to install watchman brew install watchman (it will make the packager faster) watchman

Dependency Information


Production Build Instructions
