

Trust DID Web - A DID Method

The spec repository for did:tdw -- Trust DID Web DID method.

Read the spec: https://identity.foundation/trustdidweb

Proof of concept implementations available:


The did:tdw (Trust DID Web) method is an enhancement to the did:web protocol, providing a complementary web-based DID method that addresses limitations of did:web. It's features include the following.

Combined, the additional features enable greater trust and security without compromising the simplicity of did:web. The incorporation of the DID Core compatible "/whois" path, drawing inspiration from the traditional WHOIS protocol, offers an easy to use, decentralized, trust registry. This did:tdw aims to establish a more trusted and secure web environment by providing robust verification processes and enabling transparency and authenticity in the management of decentralized digital identities.

Contributing to the Specification

Pull requests (PRs) to this repository may be accepted. Each commit of a PR must have a DCO (Developer Certificate of Origin - https://github.com/apps/dco) sign-off. This can be done from the command line by adding the -s (lower case) option on the git commit command (e.g., git commit -s -m "Comment about the commit").

Rendering and reviewing the spec locally for testing requires npm and node installed. Follow these steps:

The specification is currently in Spec-Up format. See the Spec-Up Documentation for a list of Spec-Up features and functionality.

Publishing Previous Spec Versions

Spec-Up allows for multiple versions of the spec to be rendered and accessed on the same site. We use that feature for the did:tdw spec to snapshot previous versions of the spec for reference.

To create a snapshot of a version:

**Latest Version:**

- Specification: [https://identity.foundation/trustdidweb/](../)
- Repository: [https://github.com/decentralized-identity/trustdidweb](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/trustdidweb)