


the root DAO of the Decentralists


Everything is still in draft form.


Better discourse for better organization management and conflict management (through smart contracts).


The community is asking what the NWV's plans are.

The one thing we can all get behind is the need for fund for alternative control and governance structures. So while ATOM2.0 proposes one such treasury DAO with charter, we hereby propose an alternative DAO, let's call it the Decentralists Cosmos Hub DAO.

This Decentralists Cosmos Hub DAO contains categories that discuss the topics needed for Cosmos Hub improvement. Tokenomics, governance, development, security, interchain staking or ICS, incentive alignment, budgeting, etc are all categories that discuss the merits of proposals.

Within each category, multiple groups can compete to provide services as suggested by the category DAO. That way we can have competition among peer groups but constructive discourse and on-chain accountability to let the best groups and ideas win.

In another example, within the Cosmos Hub governance category, there would be multiple topics of discussion, and many individuals and teams proposing changes to the working constitution or plan document.

TODO: Revise plan

Proposal A (deprecated)

We will define a suitable DAO framework.

A synthesis of bottom-up permissionless DAO formation to top-down governance based "official" organization of components.

Rolled out in two phases:

Phase 1: Off-chain.

Phase 2: All DAOs all the way.

Proposal B



the structure of checks and balances

Some draft points

TODO: define group vs team DAOs.


... main descriptive document that guides users

Some draft points

Example: we create the "Security" group to discuss issues around security. An issue is raised regarding a particular issue.

Multiple competing security teams propose solutions or their analysis of the situation.

The group decides to pay for a particular bid/contract, and so payment goes from its treasury to the winning team's account. The contract is recorded in the books and reviewed in the future for holding winning bidders accountable.

The group's moderators help productive conversation without spam or drama. The group's scribe posts daily or weekly updates of discussions.

At first, this group ran on donations, but later it gets funding from the Decentralists DAO, which has an ongoing contract with the Cosmos Hub community pool.

Initial Categories

... of Cosmos Hub work

split atom2.0, but also other needed improvements


Cosmonauts ask 82 NoWithVeto voters what is next. The Decentralists in response demonstrates open and structured governance discourse.

Code of Conduct

Applies everywhere on-chain and off-chain

Each group can have their own specific policies too but global policies apply.

TODO: role of moderators for each group.

NOTE: It is the role of Cosmonauts to fork the Decentralists DAO if the code of conduct policy isn't working for them. It is the duty of the Decentralists to offer products that can so be forked.

Pinned somewhere should say,

To the Decentralists,

This information will be pinned and brought to the forefront of the basis for
communications within these channels. We’d like to encourage transparent,
polite and grounded discourse so we will propose some guidelines here so that
anyone interested in contributing to the Cosmos Hub will feel comfortable
exchanging viewpoints and ideas. Let’s aim for the efforts here to lead a
successful conversation and agreeable proposals and technical updates for the


- Be mindful of the community, anyone that has found their way here is a
  contributor to the idea building that will be necessary to have consensus.

- Keep conversations in good faith, stay consistent and provide sources when

- No ad hominem, personal attacks, mudslinging, toxic attitudes or smear
  campaigns will be tolerated.

- Remember to bring contributions, opinions and feedback to the table.

Thank you for agreeing to contribute to the growth of the Cosmos community by
actively participating and following these guidelines in the Decentralist

TODO: Link to Decentralists DAO code of conduct policy doc.

Cosmonaut Decentralists Forum.

TODO: Link to Cosmonaut Decentralists Forum. NOTE: Proposed "Cosmonaut" definition in ATOM ONE.
