


What is this?

CMake based C++ Project template with support for glfw, glad, imgui, spdlog, tracy, stbi, cgltf

This template is split into three parts

Project and Project.Library and lib

Project will be your actual project/game, Project.Library containing supporting functions, things you might be reusing for something else. It could also contain your graphics/game engine abstractions.

This template provides a basic Application base class, ready to go, including window creation via glfw, hooking up OpenGL via glad, preparing UI rendering via dear imgui, logging via spdlog and comes with profiler capabilities via tracy too. The example also loads a model with textures via cgltf and stbi.

lib contains the list of dependencies used by projects across the solution, in this case, imgui, spdlog, glm, tracy, stbi and cgltf.

The project provides a tiny example of an application which most graphics-engine/game-engine/game developers/vfx artists or perhaps even researchers write, and its always the same, some window glue, some opengl loading, some mesh rendering and texture loading, spdlog unifies logging here - as each and every project I've seen keeps using printf or cout or most likely some self-rolled logger which is really unnecessary.


For whom is this for?

What do you need?

Make sure to run git submodule update --init --recursive upon cloning the repository to ensure that Deccer's Cubes are included.


This project template assumes the following things

What's next?

You most likely dont want to name your program Project and or Project.Library. Use your favorite search tool and replace Project.Library with UE6.Engine and Project with UE6 :)