

Improving evidential deep learning via multi task learning

It is a repository of AAAI2022 paper, “Improving evidential deep learning via multi-task learning”, by Dongpin Oh and Bonggun Shin.

This repository contains the code to reproduce the Multi-task evidential neural network (MT-ENet), which uses the Lipschitz MSE loss function as the additional loss function of the evidential regression network (ENet). The Lipschitz MSE loss function can improve the accuracy of the ENet while preserving its uncertainty estimation capability, by avoiding gradient conflict with the NLL loss function—the original loss function of the ENet.

<p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/deargen/MT-ENet/blob/main/pic/synthetic_experiment.png" alt="drawing" width="700"/> </p>


Please refer to "requirements.txt" for requring packages of this repo.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Training the ENet with the Lipschitz-MSE loss: example

from mtevi.mtevi import EvidentialMarginalLikelihood, EvidenceRegularizer, modified_mse
net = EvidentialNetwork() ## Evidential regression network
nll_loss = EvidentialMarginalLikelihood() ## original loss, NLL loss
reg = EvidenceRegularizer() ## evidential regularizer
mmse_loss = modified_mse ## lipschitz MSE loss
for inputs, labels in dataloader:
	gamma, nu, alpha, beta = net(inputs)
	loss = nll_loss(gamma, nu, alpha, beta, labels)
	loss += reg(gamma, nu, alpha, beta, labels)
	loss += mmse_loss(gamma, nu, alpha, beta, labels)

Quick start

python synthetic_exp.py
python uci_exp_norm -p energy
python train_evinet.py -o test --type davis -f 0 --evi # ENet
python train_evinet.py -o test --type davis -f 0  # MT-ENet
python check_conflict.py --type davis -f 0 # Conflict between the Lipschitz MSE (proposed) and NLL loss. 
python check_conflict.py --type davis -f 0 --abl # Conflict between the simple MSE loss and NLL loss.

Characteristic of the Lipschitz MSE loss

<p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/deargen/MT-ENet/blob/main/pic/lipschitzMSE.png" alt="drawing" width="700"/> </p>