

Reddit for Alfred

Find subreddits and browse hot posts on Reddit.


Get Reddit for Alfred from GitHub.

Note: Version 1.4 (and above) is not compatible with Alfred 2. Please download v1.3 if you're using Alfred 2.


Note: OS X's "delete word" shortcut (⌥+⌫) is very handy for backing out of a subreddit.


A basic workflow to browse subreddits.

The subreddit search, r/<query>, uses Reddit's API to search for subreddits that match <query>. 25 results are retrieved by default.

The subreddit search can be a bit odd, which is due to the legendary crapness of Reddit's search function.

Search within a subreddit, r/subreddit/<query>, only filters the list of hot results. 50 results are retrieved by default.


There are a couple of options in the workflow's configuration sheet.

Set NSFW to 1 to include subreddits marked "over 18" in search results.

Set QUICKLOOK_POST to 1 for the Quick Look preview to show the article instead of the Reddit comment page.

Licensing, thanks etc.

Alfred-Reddit is released under the MIT Licence.

I found the logo in a Font Awesome issue on GitHub.

It's heavily based on Alfred-Workflow, also MIT-licensed.