

<div align="center"> <img height="128" width="128" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/deanishe/alfred-gcal/master/icons/icon.png"> </div>

Google Calendar for Alfred

View Google Calendar events in Alfred. Supports multiple accounts.

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<a name="download--installation"></a> Download & installation

Grab the workflow from GitHub releases. Download the Google-Calendar-View-X.X.alfredworkflow file and double-click it to install.

<a name="usage"></a> Usage

When run, the workflow will open Google Calendar in your browser and ask for permission to access your calendars. If you do not grant permission, it won't work. The workflow requests permission to edit your calendars, as this is needed for the "Add New Event" feature (keyword gnew). It does not otherwise alter your calendars or events in any way.

You will also be prompted to activate some calendars (the workflow will show events from these calendars). You can alter the active calendars or add/remove Google accounts in the settings using keyword gcalconf.

<a name="date-format"></a>

Date format

When viewing dates/events, you can specify and jump to a particular date using the following input format:

<a name="add-event-format"></a>

Add event format

The "Add New Event" feature (keyword gnew) creates an event using Google Calendar's natural language syntax. This doesn't appear to be properly documented anywhere, but it is pretty powerful. You can specify event title, location, time & duration and repetition. Some examples:

<a name="configuration"></a> Configuration

There are a couple of options in the workflow's configuration sheet (the [x] button in Alfred Preferences):

CALENDAR_APPName of application to open Google Calendar URLs (not map URLs) in. If blank, your default browser is used.
EVENT_CACHE_MINSNumber of minutes to cache event lists before updating from the server.
SCHEDULE_DAYSThe number of days' events to show with the gcal keyword.
APPLE_MAPSSet to 1 to open map links in Apple Maps instead of Google Maps. This option can be toggled from within the workflow's configuration with keyword gcalconf.

<a name="licensing--thanks"></a> Licensing & thanks

This workflow is released under the MIT Licence.

It is heavily based on the Google API libraries for Go (BSD 3-clause licence) and AwGo libraries (MIT), and of course, Google Calendar.

The icons are from or based on Font Awesome and Weather Icons (both SIL).

Special thanks to @diffmike for adding the "Add New Event" feature.

<a name="privacy"></a> Privacy

The data used and accessed by this workflow are stored exclusively on your own Mac. Nothing is shared with anyone. When you authorise this workflow to access your Google Calendars, the only person you are enabling to read that data is you.