Acode - Code Editor for Android
<p align="center"> <img src='res/logo_1.png' width='250'> </p>• Overview
Welcome to Acode Editor - a powerful and versatile code editing tool designed specifically for Android devices. Whether you're working on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or other programming languages, Acode empowers you to code on-the-go with confidence.
• Features
- Edit and create websites, and instantly preview them in a browser.
- Seamlessly modify source files for various languages like Python, Java, JavaScript, and more.
- Built-in javascript console
- Enjoy multi-language editing support with easy management tools.
- Enjoy a large collections of community plugins to enhance your coding experience.
• Installation
You can get Acode Editor from popular platforms:
<img src="" alt="Get it on Google Play" height="60"> <img src="" alt="Get it on F-Droid" height="60"/>
• Project Structure
<pre> Acode/ | |- src/ - Core code and language files | |- www/ - Public documents, compiled files, and HTML templates | |- utils/ - CLI tools for building, string manipulation, and more </pre>• Multi-language Support
Enhance Acode's capabilities by adding new languages easily. Just create a file with the language code (e.g., en-us for English) in src/lang/
and include it in src/lib/lang.js
. Manage strings across languages effortlessly using utility commands:
yarn lang add
yarn lang remove
yarn lang search
yarn lang update
• Building the Application
To build the APK, ensure you have Node.js, NPM, and Apache Cordova installed on your device. Use Cordova CLI to build the application.
- Initial setup (required only once):
yarn setup
- Build the project:
yarn build <platform (android)> <free|paid> <p|prod|d|dev>
• Contributing
Acode Editor is an open-source project, and we welcome contributions from the community. To contribute, follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Make your changes and commit them.(make branch for each feature or bug fix)
- Push your changes to your fork.
- Create a pull request from your branch to main branch of this repository with proper description and Wait for review.
[!Note] Ensure your pull request includes:
- A clear description of the changes made or problem or feature.
- A reference to the issue being addressed (if applicable).
- A clear explanation of the solution or implementation.
- Screenshots or GIFs (if applicable).
Please ensure that your code is clean, well-formatted, and follows the project's coding standards. Acode uses Biomejs for formatting and linting and typos for low false positives source code spell checking. You can use following commands to lints/format your code locally:
yarn lint # for linting
yarn format # for formatting
yarn check # it runs both lint and format
Also, ensure that your code is well-documented and includes comments where necessary.
[!Note] You can use any package manager like npm or yarn or pnpm or bun. You can use your editor specific Biomejs plugin for auto-formatting and linting based on Acode's configs.
• Contributors
<a href=""> <img src="" /> </a>• Developing a Plugin for Acode
For comprehensive documentation on creating plugins for Acode Editor, visit the repository.
For plugin development information, refer to: Acode Plugin Documentation