


A library for accessing The Desk.com API.

I used this as a project to help with learning Elixir and is very much a work in progress. Feel free to comment and or contribute :)


The package can be installed via:

  1. Add exdesk to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

    def deps do [{:exdesk, "~> 0.1.0"}] end

  2. Ensure exdesk is started before your application:

    def application do [applications: [:exdesk]] end

Usage and examples

To configure the authorization globally, you can either call ExDesk.configure:

  site_name: "yoursite.desk.com",
  email: "your@email.com",
  password: "yourpassword"

Or set a EXDESK_CONFIG environment variable with site_name, email and password separated by commas.

All responses will be a Map of the response from This will return a Map of the JSON response described here: http://dev.desk.com/API/using-the-api

Fetching a list of the first ten cases:

ExDesk.list("cases", [per_page: 10, sort_field: "created_at", sort_direction: "asc"])

Creating a new resource:

ExDesk.create("labels", [name: "A Label", description: "a description", types: ["case"], enabled: true, color: "purple"])

Fetching a single resource:


Searching for a resource:

ExDesk.list("labels/search", [name: "Feedback"])

Updating a resource:

ExDesk.update("labels/12345", [color: "red"])

Deleting a resource:
