

Nuzzle (N-curses p-UZZLE)

Nuzzle is a terminal based puzzle game collection. It is implemented with ncurses and requires color and mouse support.

The games can be played with the mouse or the terminal. See the man page for details.



Debian Package

The latest release of nuzzle contains a debian package. Download the package and verify the result with md5sum:

# md5sum nuzzle_0.3.0_amd64.deb 
72ef2180a9c12ffbf471e8dbc4b936c6  nuzzle_0.3.0_amd64.de

Install the package with:

# sudo dpkg -i nuzzle_0.3.0_amd64.deb

Uninstall the package with:

# sudo dpkg -r nuzzle

Build from sources

The latest release of nuzzle contains a zip / tar file with the sources. Download the sources and build the program with the following commands:

tar xvzf nuzzle-0.3.tar.gz

cd nuzzle-0.3/


sudo make install

To uninstall nuzzle simply remove the installation directory and the directory which nuzzle uses for its data:

sudo make uninstall

Completely uninstall nuzzle

Additionally there is a user specific directory that has to be removed to completely uninstall nuzzle

rm -rf ${HOME}/.nuzzle/


Nuzzle uses ncursesw which is the wide character version of ncurses. To build nuzzle, the following list of dependencies is relevant for ubuntu 18.0.4:

Customize nuzzle

Nuzzle has several configuration files that can be overwritten to customize the games. See the man page for details.