

Awesome Azure Learning Awesome Quality Assurance

This repo includes numerous references for Azure learning, especially for the Azure Certs, Azure Architecture, and any other learning materials e.g. Security topics.







Spotlight is the section where amazing or new references are highlighted that you should have a look at.

Azure Services MapAll Azure services with references to its docs.Anton Romanov (MSFT)
Slide Deck - Certification OverviewFull overview of all certifications and roadmaps.MSFT
Blog Azure Government - Security & ComplianceFantastic blog with plenty security referencesMSFT
Tech Community Landing PageCommunities, Blogs, Events & moreMSFT
Microsoft Learning Repository with LabsRepository with all labs for all certificationsMSFT
Security WebinarsSecurity Community webinar calendarMSFT
Microsoft Security CommunityWebinars, Videos, Email List, Private Previews, Forums and much moreMSFT
Microsoft Hands-On LabsPlenty of self-paced labs and instructor-led workshops here.
Azure DevOps LabsThese labs will help you to get started with Azure DevOps services to automate software delivery and meet business needs.MSFT
Microsoft Cloud IT Architecture ResourcesLearn core cloud architecture concepts for Microsoft identity, security, networking, and hybrid.MSFT
Hub and Spoke network topology in AzureGreat article about all the dependencies of a Hub&Spoke modelLucian Frango


Code of Conduct

The intention of this repository is not to easily pass exams and gain certifications without any efforts. The intention is to learn and become better in the desired areas and to gain certifications as milestones as part of your journey to reach your mid-term and long-term goals. They should be the motivations for you to work and learn hard.

Therefore, I don´t tolerate any brain dumps in this repo. And trust me - you will be not interested in cheating for certifications as well. If you have been playing some games and made use of cheats, you will be familiar with the experience that shortly after you have lost all the interest and fun. The same will happen in your professional life. Plus, you will quickly forget everything you have learned for the exams.

And another recommendation is to keep your humbleness, no matter how good you will become. Measure yourself with yourself and try to become better every day. You will never reach a time where you can accept to stop learning, as there will always be something new.


Feel free to contact me directly via LinkedIn or Twitter.

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