Check the format and consistency of the strings.xml files of Android Apps with multi-language support
Rubustrings is also available for iOS here
It only needs the base strings.xml file and a translated strings.xml file as arguments
./rubustringsxml ./res/values/strings.xml ./res/values-es/strings.xml
Currently Rubustrings validates:
- The syntaxis of the strings file: Just checking the xml format of the file
- Dynamic values (%d, %ld, %s,...): It checks that the translation include the same set of them than the original string.
- Special characters at the beginning or at the end: If the original string begins or ends with a white space,\n or \r it tests that the translation also does.
It also warning on:
- Translation significantly large: In translations 3 times larger than original string
dcordero@silver:~$ ./rubustringsxml res/values/strings.xml res/values-es/strings.xml
Processing files:
- res/values/strings.xml
- res/values-es/strings.xml
✘ Error, number of variables mismatch: "Phone %s" - "Teléfono"
✘ Error, special beginning mismatch: "\nWeb" - "Web"
⊗ Warning, translation significantly large: "Tubasa" - "Transportes Urbanos de Badajoz"
✘ Some errors detected
dcordero@silver:~$ ./rubustringsxml res/values/strings.xml res/values-es/strings.xml
Processing files:
- res/values/strings.xml
- res/values-es/strings.xml
✓ Strings files validated succesfully
Future validators
- Warning on untranslated strings
- Validate strings arrays
- Validate quantity strings
MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 @dcordero