


A Long class for representing a 64 bit two's-complement integer value derived from the Closure Library for stand-alone use and extended with unsigned support.

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As of ECMA-262 5th Edition, "all the positive and negative integers whose magnitude is no greater than 2<sup>53</sup> are representable in the Number type", which is "representing the doubleprecision 64-bit format IEEE 754 values as specified in the IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic". The maximum safe integer in JavaScript is 2<sup>53</sup>-1.

Example: 2<sup>64</sup>-1 is 18446744073709551615 but in JavaScript it evaluates to 18446744073709552000.

Furthermore, bitwise operators in JavaScript "deal only with integers in the range −2<sup>31</sup> through 2<sup>31</sup>−1, inclusive, or in the range 0 through 2<sup>32</sup>−1, inclusive. These operators accept any value of the Number type but first convert each such value to one of 2<sup>32</sup> integer values."

In some use cases, however, it is required to be able to reliably work with and perform bitwise operations on the full 64 bits. This is where long.js comes into play.


The package exports an ECMAScript module with an UMD fallback.

$> npm install long
import Long from "long";

var value = new Long(0xFFFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF);

Note that mixing ESM and CommonJS is not recommended as it yields different classes, albeit with the same functionality.

Usage with a CDN

Replace TAG respectively VERSION with a specific version or omit it (not recommended in production) to use main/latest.







WebAssembly support

WebAssembly supports 64-bit integer arithmetic out of the box, hence a tiny WebAssembly module is used to compute operations like multiplication, division and remainder more efficiently (slow operations like division are around twice as fast), falling back to floating point based computations in JavaScript where WebAssembly is not yet supported, e.g., in older versions of node.


Building the UMD fallback:

$> npm run build

Running the tests:

$> npm test