


PSON is a super efficient binary serialization format for JSON focused on minimal encoding size.

How does it work?

PSON combines the best of JSON, BJSON, ProtoBuf and a bit of ZIP to achieve a superior small footprint on the network level. Basic constants and small integer values are efficiently encoded as a single byte. Other integer values are always encoded as variable length integers. Additionally it comes with progressive and static dictionaries to reduce data redundancy to a minimum. In a nutshell:

Reference implementation

This repository contains a plain node.js/CommonJS, RequireJS/AMD and Browser compatible JavaScript implementation of the PSON specification on top of ByteBuffer.js and optionally Long.js:

A PSON.StaticPair contains the PSON encoder and decoder for a static (or empty) dictionary and can be shared between all connections. It's recommended for production.

A PSON.ProgressivePair contains the PSON encoder and decoder for a progressive (automatically filling) dictionary. On the one hand this requires no dictionary work from the developer but on the other requires one pair per connection.

tl;dr Numbers, please!

The test suite contains the following basic example message:

    "hello": "world!",
    "time": 1234567890,
    "float": 0.01234,
    "boolean": true,
    "otherbool": false,
    "null": null,
    "obj": {
        "what": "that"
    "arr": [1,2,3]
 F6 08 FE 00 FC 06 77 6F 72 6C 64 21 FE 01 F8 A4   ......world!....
 8B B0 99 79 FE 02 FB F6 0B 76 C3 B6 45 89 3F FE   ...y.....v..E.?.
 03 F1 FE 04 F2 FE 05 F0 FE 06 F6 01 FE 07 FC 04   ................
 74 68 61 74 FE 08 F7 03 02 04 06                  that.......

Another example that's also contained in the test suite is encoding our package.json, which is of course a string value centered file, to PSON using a general purpose static dictionary:



npm install pson

var PSON = require("pson");


    "paths": {
        "Long": "/path/to/Long.js", // optional
        "ByteBuffer": "/path/to/ByteBufferAB.js",
        "PSON": "/path/to/PSON.js"
require(["PSON"], function(PSON) {


<script src="Long.min.js"></script>
<script src="ByteBufferAB.min.js"></script>
<script src="PSON.min.js"></script>
var PSON = dcodeIO.PSON;


// Sender
var initialDictionary = ["hello"];
var pson = new PSON.ProgressivePair(initialDictionary);
var data = { "hello": "world!" };
var buffer = pson.encode(data);
// Receiver
var initialDictionary = ["hello"];
var pson = new PSON.ProgressivePair(initialDictionary);
someSocket.on("data", function(data) {
    data = pson.decode(data);


The API is pretty much straight forward:





License: Apache License, Version 2.0