

<h1 align="center">Show JSON Bot</h1>

Try the running bot here: Show JSON Bot

A simple Telegram Bot to show JSON data of Telegram messages. The JSON data is the updates that Telegram sent to the bot. The bot also provides an UI to navigate through the JSON object. The workflow is highly inspired by JSONShowBot which is NOT working as of May 2, 2022.

Re-written in TypeScript and now it runs on Deno.

<div align="center"> <table> <tbody> <td align="center"> <img width="2000" height="0"><br> <b>It's a re-write! See the old version: <a href="https://github.com/dcdunkan/show-json-bot/tree/node">node/</a></b><br> <sub><a href="https://github.com/dcdunkan/show-json-bot/tree/node">https://github.com/dcdunkan/show-json-bot/tree/node</a></sub><br> <img width="2000" height="0"> </td> </tbody> </table> </div>

Built Using

Thanks to these tools and libraries.

  1. grammY - The Telegram Bot Framework.
  2. Deta.sh Base - Free and unlimited Cloud Database service.


Running Locally

Make sure you have installed Deno CLI.

If everything is done correct, you should see "(Username) started" in your console.

Deno Deploy

The working bot, @jsoonbot is currently deployed on Deno Deploy (Beta).

Click the button to deploy to Deno Deploy.

<div align="center"> <div align="center"> <a href="https://dash.deno.com/new?url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dcdunkan/show-json-bot/main/mod.ts&env=BOT_TOKEN,DETA_KEY"> <table> <tbody> <td align="center"> <img width="2000" height="0"><br> <b>Deploy to <ins>Deno Deploy</ins></a></b><br> <img width="2000" height="0"> </td> </tbody> </table> </a> </div> </div>

After deploying you will get a link to your application, in the format <samp><ins>https://<appname>.deno.dev/</ins></samp>.

Open a browser and go to the link down below.


This will set the bot's webhook to the deployed application, so that Telegram will sent further updates to there.

Environment Variables

BOT_TOKENYes.The API token of the Bot. Chat with https://t.me/BotFather to get one.
DETA_KEYYes.Project Key of Deta.sh Project. Sign up and create a project at https://deta.sh.


MIT License. Copyright (c) 2022 dcdunkan (Dunkan)


Feel free to contribute! And if you are having issues or if you want suggest something, please open an issue here: dcdunkan/show-json-bot/issues. Or, open a PQ!

<p align="center"> <b>Made with ❤️ and ☕</b><br> <samp> <a href="https://telegram.me/dcbots">channel</a> ~ <a href="https://telegram.me/jsoonbot">demo bot</a> </samp> </p>