

[!IMPORTANT] This repo is no longer actively maintained. It’s been preserved for continuity and free access. The Jaffle Shop has lived a rich life as dbt’s demo project, but has been superseded by two newer repositories: jaffle-shop, the premier demo project for dbt Cloud, and jaffle_shop_duckdb which supports working locally via DuckDB for those without access to a cloud warehouse. You’re welcome to continue using this repo as an open source resource, just know it will not be actively maintained moving forward.

Testing dbt project: jaffle_shop

jaffle_shop is a fictional ecommerce store. This dbt project transforms raw data from an app database into a customers and orders model ready for analytics.

What is this repo?

What this repo is:

What this repo is not:

What's in this repo?

This repo contains seeds that includes some (fake) raw data from a fictional app.

The raw data consists of customers, orders, and payments, with the following entity-relationship diagram:

Jaffle Shop ERD

Running this project

To get up and running with this project:

  1. Install dbt using these instructions.

  2. Clone this repository.

  3. Change into the jaffle_shop directory from the command line:

$ cd jaffle_shop
  1. Set up a profile called jaffle_shop to connect to a data warehouse by following these instructions. If you have access to a data warehouse, you can use those credentials – we recommend setting your target schema to be a new schema (dbt will create the schema for you, as long as you have the right privileges). If you don't have access to an existing data warehouse, you can also setup a local postgres database and connect to it in your profile.

  2. Ensure your profile is setup correctly from the command line:

$ dbt debug
  1. Load the CSVs with the demo data set. This materializes the CSVs as tables in your target schema. Note that a typical dbt project does not require this step since dbt assumes your raw data is already in your warehouse.
$ dbt seed
  1. Run the models:
$ dbt run

NOTE: If this steps fails, it might mean that you need to make small changes to the SQL in the models folder to adjust for the flavor of SQL of your target database. Definitely consider this if you are using a community-contributed adapter.

  1. Test the output of the models:
$ dbt test
  1. Generate documentation for the project:
$ dbt docs generate
  1. View the documentation for the project:
$ dbt docs serve

What is a jaffle?

A jaffle is a toasted sandwich with crimped, sealed edges. Invented in Bondi in 1949, the humble jaffle is an Australian classic. The sealed edges allow jaffle-eaters to enjoy liquid fillings inside the sandwich, which reach temperatures close to the core of the earth during cooking. Often consumed at home after a night out, the most classic filling is tinned spaghetti, while my personal favourite is leftover beef stew with melted cheese.

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