


Build Status codebeat badge codecov Swift Package Manager compatible

Main Features
🛡Typed network resources
🏠Value oriented architecture
🔀Exchangeable implementations
🚄Extendable API
🎹       Composable Features          
Fully unit tested
📕 Documented here           

The idea behind this project comes from this talk.objc.io article.

Basic Demo

Lets say you want to fetch a html string.

First you have to create a service, by providing a network access. You can use URLSession out of the box or provide your own custom solution by implementing NetworkAccess.

let networkAccess = URLSession(configuration: .default)
let networkService = BasicNetworkService(networkAccess: networkAccess)

Create a resource with a request to fetch your data.

let url = URL(staticString: "https://httpbin.org")
let request = URLRequest(path: "/", baseURL: url, HTTPMethod: .GET)
let resource = Resource(request: request, parse: { String(data: $0, encoding: .utf8) })

Request your resource and handle the result

networkService.request(resource, onCompletion: { htmlText in
}, onError: { error in
    //Handle errors

Load types conforming to Swift-Decodable

struct IPOrigin: Decodable {
    let origin: String

let url = URL(staticString: "https://www.httpbin.org")
let request = URLRequest(path: "ip", baseURL: url)

let resource = Resource<IPOrigin>(request: request, decoder: JSONDecoder())

networkService.request(resource, onCompletion: { origin in
}, onError: { error in
    //Handle errors

Accessing HTTPResponse

Request your resource and handle the result & http response. This is similar to just requesting a resulting model.

networkService.request(resource, onCompletionWithResponse: { origin, response in
    print(origin, response)
}, onError: { error in
    //Handle errors

Protocol oriented architecture / Exchangability

The following table shows all the protocols and their default implementations.

ProtocolDefault Implementation

Composable Features

RetryNetworkServiceRetrys requests after a given delay when an error meets given criteria.
ModifyRequestNetworkServiceModify matching requests. Can be used to add auth tokens or API Keys
NetworkServiceMockMocks a NetworkService. Can be use during unit tests



Swift Package Manager

SPM is integrated with the Swift build system to automate the process of downloading, compiling, and linking dependencies.

Specify the following in your Package.swift:

.package(url: "https://github.com/dbsystel/DBNetworkStack", from: "2.1.0"),


Feel free to submit a pull request with new features, improvements on tests or documentation and bug fixes. Keep in mind that we welcome code that is well tested and documented.


Lukas Schmidt (Mail, @lightsprint09), Christian Himmelsbach (Mail)


DBNetworkStack is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.