


Official Code for Local Search GFlowNets

Note: I find that there are some differences in terms of mode metrics and hyperparameters. Now it is fixed.

Environment Setup

Please first install your conda with yaml file and install the pyg (of pytorch 1.13). (https://pytorch-geometric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/installation.html)

conda env create -f environment.yaml

pip install torch_geometric
pip install pyg_lib torch_scatter torch_sparse torch_cluster torch_spline_conv -f https://data.pyg.org/whl/torch-1.13.0+cu117.html

conda activate ls_gfn

Code references

Our implementation is based on "Towards Understanding and Improving GFlowNet Training" (https://github.com/maxwshen/gflownet).

Our contribution (in terms of codes)

We extend codebase with RNA-binding tasks designed by FLEXS (https://github.com/samsinai/FLEXS)

We implement detailed balance (DB), sub-trajectory balance (SubTB), and our method LS-GFN on top of DB, SubTB, TB, MaxEnt and GTB.

We also implement various state-of-the-art baselines including RL approaches (A2C-Entropy, SQL, PPO) and recent MCMC approaches (MARS)

Large files

To run sehstr task, you should download sehstr_gbtr_allpreds.pkl.gz and block_18_stop6.pkl.gz. Both are available for download at https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/sEH_dataset_for_GFlowNet_/22806671 DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.22806671 These files should be placed in datasets/sehstr/.

Main Experiments

We should run all experiments with at least 3 different random seeds. You can see example script in scripts/<task_name>.sh

For QM9 task, you can run experiments by following commands

python runexpwb.py --setting qm9str --beta 5 --model tb --ls true --deterministic true --num_active_learning_rounds 2000 --seed 0

# TB
python runexpwb.py --setting qm9str --beta 5 --model tb --num_active_learning_rounds 2000 --seed 0

python runexpwb.py --setting qm9str --beta 5 --model mars --num_active_learning_rounds 2000 --seed 0

# A2C
python runexpwb.py --setting qm9str --beta 5 --model a2c --num_active_learning_rounds 2000 --seed 0

python runexpwb.py --setting qm9str --beta 5 --model sql --num_active_learning_rounds 2000 --seed 0

python runexpwb.py --setting qm9str --beta 5 --model ppo --num_active_learning_rounds 2000 --seed 0


After training, you can run the following commands to evaluate the performance of models.

eval.py returns top-100 reward, diversity, unique fraction of samples generated by trained models

number_of_modes.py returns the total number of modes discovered over the course of training.

python eval.py --setting qm9str --beta 5 --model tb --ls true --deterministic true --seed 0
python number_of_modes.py --setting qm9str --beta 5 --model tb --ls true --deterministic true --seed 0

Different GFN Objectives

If you want to run LS-GFN with different training objectives, you can run following commands:
