

S'Up for Slack

Tests Code Climate

What's This?

The most valuable relationships are not made of two people, they’re made of three. A third person will always stabilize and grow the relationship between the other two. It’s called a triad, and the more you create, the stronger your network.

This bot passively generates fresh triads of company members to meet every week in an informal standup, or S'Up.


We host the bot at sup.playplay.io.

<a href="http://sup.playplay.io"><img alt="Add to Slack" height="40" width="139" src="https://platform.slack-edge.com/img/add_to_slack.png" srcset="https://platform.slack-edge.com/img/add_to_slack.png 1x, https://platform.slack-edge.com/img/add_to_slack@2x.png 2x" /></a>


S'Up for Slack is made possible with the generous support of team Artsy. This is a fresh rewrite of artsy/sup for Slack teams during ArtsyOpenSource Hackathon 5.0.

Copyright & License

Copyright Daniel Doubrovkine, Vestris LLC, 2017-2019

MIT License