

📖 README.md just includes installation guide. You can find detailed guide in this <a href="https://github.com/daxeel/blockshell/wiki/Get-Started-with-BlockShell" target="_blank">wiki page</a>


A command line utility for learning Blockchain technical concepts likechaining, mining, proof of work etc.

<img src="https://image.ibb.co/mJFNGw/blockshell.gif"> <img src="https://preview.ibb.co/dhC7yb/Logomakr_5g_Ei_Dw.png" height="80">

ℹī¸ About

Anyone who wants to understand how blockchain technology works, then <b>BlockShell</b> should be a great start. Because I have created BlockShell keeping blockchain fundamentals in the center of development. With BlockShell you will actually create a tiny blockchain in your system where you can create blocks with data, explore blocks etc.

So, by using BlockShell anyone can learn following blockchain concepts,

🌐 BlockShell Web Explorer

<p>BlockShell comes with built-in blockchain explorer by which you can actully see how blocks are mined and what is stored and where.</p>
Latest Mined BlocksBlock Details

đŸ“Ļ Installation

Step 1 - Create project directory

mkdir <project_name> && cd project_name

Step 2 - Create new virtual environment with python version 2.7.

virtualenv venv

Step 3 - Activate virtual environment

source venv/bin/activate


source venv/Scripts/activate

Step 4 - Clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/daxeel/blockshell.git

Step 5 - Change directory to cloned one

cd blockshell

Step 6 - Install blockshell

pip install --editable .

Step 7 - Try "blockshell" command and test installation!


<b>Output in terminal after calling BlockShell command</b> <img src="https://image.ibb.co/dRqGrw/Screen_Shot_2018_01_25_at_11_21_38_PM.png">