

A Jekyll (OO)CSS Styleguide

Easily generate a (themed) CSS Styleguide—or 'Pattern Library'—with Jekyll. Included GulpJS workflow with Sass compilation, autoprefixer, auto-building and browsersync.

<div class="sg-figure" style="width:240px;float:right;margin-left:1em;"> <img src="http://davidhund.nl/jekyll-styleguide/static/scss/themes/hotel-chevalier-theme.png" alt="Themed Styleguide example"> </div>

To add a new Component, simply create a new markdown (.md or .html) file with the HTML for your component in the posts/components folder and run jekyll build (or use the included GulpJS script).

Then add your project's CSS file to Jekyll Styleguide (or @import is in its app.scss) and see how these components render.

<p class="message">Notice how the *<em>included</em>* project CSS is applied to the content (white area)? In the website example you'll see my <a href="https://github.com/davidhund/dh-kickstart-style/">DH kickstart-style</a> styles. If you have not (yet) included *<em>your</em>* styles in <code>static/scss/app.scss</code> you'll see unstyled text. Jekyll Styleguide themes do not interfere with your project's CSS.</p>

Table Of Contents



<p class="message">So, I basically created this for <a href="http://twitter.com/valuedstandards">myself</a>. I am on a Mac. This <em>probably</em> works on Windows and \*nix but you'd have to probably change a bunch of stuff. So, these instructions are Mac only a.t.m. Sorry.</p>

Jekyll requires Ruby, Rubygems and a Linux, Unix or Mac OSX system. If you do not yet have those installed—and are on Mac OSX—I strongly advise you to install those as follows:

<p class="message message--warning"><strong>Note:</strong> Skip these steps if you already have the needed tools (Ruby, Gems, etc) installed. Avoid using <code>sudo</code></p>
  1. Make sure you have the OSX Xcode Command Line Tools installed
  2. Install Ruby via RVM:
    \curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable


Now you should have all the requirements for installing Jekyll. The GulpJS workflow requires NodeJS, NPM and a bunch of Gulp plugins. But let's ignore those and start simple, OK?

  1. Install Jekyll: gem update --system && gem install jekyll
  2. Download or git clone git@github.com:davidhund/jekyll-styleguide.git
  3. Add your colors in colors/index.md
  4. Add your components in posts/components/
  5. Run Jekyll: jekyll build --config=_config.dev.yml
  6. Go to 4. and repeat...


Take a look at the _config.dev.yml (_config.yml) to set some global variables such as the baseurl, name and version of your Style Guide, a link to the repository etc.


I've added an experimental GulpJS workflow—GruntJS should be very similar—to automate re-generating the Styleguide, while compiling your Sass files, Concatenating your JS, etc.

To install and use Gulp (you should be at the root of the project, in a command prompt):

  1. npm install -g gulp to install Gulp globally
  2. npm install to install all needed Gulp plugins
  3. Simply run gulp: this fires up a local webserver and watches your Sass, JS and components.
  4. Now go change some files, save, and watch your browser autoreload ;)


Check out the defined Colors or Components