

Magento Demo Environment


Docker Images

The base images used by this demo environment can be found on Docker Hub or on Github at the following locations:

Building Environment

  1. Clone this repository.

    mkdir -p ~/Sites/m2demo
    git clone git@github.com:davidalger/m2demo.git ~/Sites/m2demo
  2. Change into the demo environment's local directory.

    cd ~/Sites/m2demo
  3. Build and start the environment (optionally passing the --no-sampledata flag):

    warden bootstrap
  4. Launch the site in your browser and login using information provided in the script output.

Deploying Older Magento Versions

  1. Update the .env file with the appropriate versions.

  2. Destroy the environment if already running.

  3. Build the environment via steps outlined above.

Destroying Environment

  1. Change into the demo environment's local directory.

    cd ~/Sites/m2demo
  2. Tear down containers, volumes, networks, etc.

    warden env down -v


This work is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.