

PostgreSQL queue for Node.js:


const { QlobberPG } = require('qlobber-pg');
const qpg = new QlobberPG({
    name: 'example1',
    db: {
        host: '/var/run/postgresql',
        database: 'qlobber-pg'
qpg.subscribe('foo.*', (data, info) => {
    console.log(info.topic, data.toString());
    const assert = require('assert');
    assert.equal(info.topic, 'foo.bar');
    assert.equal(data, 'hello');
qpg.publish('foo.bar', 'hello');

You can publish messages using a separate process if you like:

const { QlobberPG } = require('qlobber-pg');
const qpg = new QlobberPG({
    name: 'example2',
    db: {
        host: '/var/run/postgresql',
        database: 'qlobber-pg'
qpg.publish('foo.bar', 'hello', qpg.stop);

Or use the streaming interface to read and write messages:

const { QlobberPG } = require('qlobber-pg');
const qpg = new QlobberPG({
    name: 'example3',
    db: {
        host: '/var/run/postgresql',
        database: 'qlobber-pg'
function handler(stream, info) {
    const data = [];
    stream.on('readable', function () {
        let chunk;
        while (chunk = this.read()) {
    stream.on('end', function () {
        const s = Buffer.concat(data).toString();
        console.log(info.topic, s);
        const assert = require('assert');
        assert.equal(info.topic, 'foo.bar');
        assert.equal(s, 'hello');
handler.accept_stream = true;
qpg.subscribe('foo.*', handler);

The API is described here.


To install the module:

npm install qlobber-pg

You need to create a database on your PostgreSQL server. You can use an administration tool (e.g. pgAdmin) or the command line, for example:

psql -c 'create database "qlobber-pg";'

Then you need to run migrations on your database to create the table that qlobber-pg uses:

npm run migrate

Note: The database is assumed to be named qlobber-pg. If you created a database with a different name, you’ll need to change it in config/default.json.


How it works

Publishing a message creates a row in a table in the database. The columns for each message are:

The database is periodically queried for new messages and a trigger is optionally created to invoke a check as soon as a message is published.

The query made against the table is constructed from the topics to which the QlobberPG instance is subscribed.




To run the default tests (including stress tests):

npm test

To run the multi-process tests (each process publishing and subscribing to different messages):

npm run test-multi [-- --queues=<number of queues>]

If you omit --queues then one process will be created per core.

To run the distributed tests (one process per remote host, each one publishing and subscribing to different messages):

npm run test-remote [-- --remote=<host1> --remote=<host2> ...]

You can specify as many remote hosts as you like. The test uses cp-remote to run a module on each remote host. Make sure on each host:

Please note the distributed tests don’t run on Windows.


npm run lint

Code Coverage

npm run coverage

c8 results are available here.

Coveralls page is here.


To run the benchmark:

npm run bench -- --rounds=<number of rounds> \
                 --size=<message size> \
                 --ttl=<message time-to-live in seconds> \
                 (--queues=<number of queues> | \
                  --remote=<host1> --remote=<host2> ...)

If you provide at least one --remote=<host> argument then the benchmark will be distributed across multiple hosts using cp-remote. Make sure on each host: