

MVC Todo

For more background on this repository, please consider reading these blog posts:

What this sample shows

The point of this sample code is to illustrate the power and flexibility of using UIViewController containment and composition as a way to build app UIs.

What this sample does not show

Pretty much everything outside the concept of UIViewController containment is beyond the scope of this code. There are bugs and sharp corners with the rest of the app. As an app author, I'm not entirely thrilled with how the Coordinator layer works. However, that's not the point of the sample. Feel free to inspect the rest of the code for positive or negative inspiration. Please just understand that those bits are not meant to be representative, and are there only to support the primary goals of the sample.

The interesting bits

There are a few take-aways you should have from examining this code. In no particular order, they are...

The Extensions

There are a couple of important extensions in this sample:

The other extensions are mostly just for convenience.

The less-interesting bits

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