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Web app to match up developers, with public pull requests (PRs) on Github, with people willing to comment on their PRs.

The current workflow is:

Yes, that's very simple. There's only one thing being stored (a simple PR descriptor), and it's not even full CRUD as there is no Update. But this is just the MVP. The main workflow I envision eventually is:

If Rachel shirks her duty, then the fact that the PR has been "taken" will count for less and less, when PRR decides on matches. Eventually, either the PR could be marked as "untaken", or it could be under review by multiple reviewers at once. There could be a "pestering" mechanism so that Rachel gets reminded every few days... again, if we have her email address. We could require it, but I don't like that idea.

See the Issues for possible features saved for later, known bugs to fix, etc.

The code is currently deployed at http://www.PullRequestRoulette.com, as a free public service of Codosaurus, LLC.