

Efficient Deep Learning for Stereo Matching Tensorflow 2

This is a Tensorflow 2.x version re-implementation of Luo, W., & Schwing, A. G. (n.d.). Efficient Deep Learning for Stereo Matching. (https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~urtasun/publications/luo_etal_cvpr16.pdf)

Setup data folders

    │─── training
             |─── ...
         |─── ...
    │─── testing

Preprocess data

Modify variable data_root in preprocess/kitti2015_gene_loc_1.m with the path to corresponding training folder. Go to preprocess folder and use matlab to run: kitti2015_gene_loc_1(160,40,18,100,'debug_15',123) to generate three binary files(~300MB total), corresponding to pixel locations you want to train and validate on.

Parameters: 160 is number of images to train on, 40 is number of image to validate on, 18 represents size of image patch with (2x18+1) by (2x18+1), 100 represents searching range(disparity range to train on, corresponding to 2x100+1), 'debug_15' is the folder to save results, 123 is the random seed.

  1. Matlab or Octave needs to be installed
  2. Replace path to dataset in preprocess/preprocess.m
  3. cd preprocess
  4. octave preprocess.m


  1. Folder preprocess

    Crate patches dataset by running matlab preprocess.m kitti2015_gene_loc_1(160,40,4,100,'debug_15_ws_9',123, '../kitti2015/training') Parameters: 160 is number of images to train on, 40 is number of image to validate on, 4 represents size of image patch with (2x4+1) by (2x4+1), 100 represents searching range(disparity range to train on, corresponding to 2x100+1), 'debug_15' is the folder to save results, 123 is the random seed. patch_size: 9x9, disparity range: 201 Dataset .bin saved in debug_15_ws_9 folder

  2. train.py

    There are two models in models folder: base_model (patch size 37x37), base_model_ws_9(patch size 9x9) Checkpoint saved in new_checkpoint

  3. evaluate.py

    Calculate error between label i and predict disparity range of pixel i

  4. inference.py

    Create disparity map and calculate error between prediction disparity map and ground truth disparity map (before postprocessing) that saved in results (gt, left_cost, right_cost, left_disp, right_disp) gt: ground truth of disparity map left_cost: left cost volume (.bin) right_cost: right cost volume (.bin) left_disp: predicted left disparity map right_disp: predicted right disparity map

    In my process, I got the error pixel is 12.47

  5. Postprocessing (post.lua), you need to install torch7 and mc-cnn (go to smooth folder) Cost aggregation -> SGM -> Cost aggregation 2 -> occlusion -> subpixel -> median -> bilateral

    equal to (in results folder):

    nyu_cost_img -> nyu_sgm_img -> nyu_cost_img_2 -> (nyu_post, outlier)

    Finally, nyp_post folder is last step in postprocessing disparity map

  6. cal.py Re calculate pixel error after postprocessing

    I got the error pixel is 0.03322434828603092


Before post-processing

Left: Left image Right: Left image

After post-processing Predicted disparity

Quantitative results