CuePlayer <a href=""><img src="" alt="CuePlayer" width="130px" height="38px" align="right"></a>
<p align="center"> <a href=""><img src="" alt="cactus" width="45%" height="45%"></a> </p>A tool for composing and performing real-time and mixed electronic works using the SuperCollider language. It helps a composer to organise processes and musical material in bundles (cues) and execute them when needed during the course of a piece. It is particularly applicable to musical works incorporating real-time electronics and acoustic instruments; it may also be handy in any scenario where the composer wishes to organise, schedule and trigger bundles of processes.
Here’s a link to a preview of the tutorial & a quick look video </a>demonstrating its most basic functionality. You can also download a conference paper discussing the use of <code>CuePlayer</code> for composition of mixed electronic works.
Install it as a quark from within SuperCollider, via:
or download it from GitHub, unzip & and place the folder in:
~/Library/Application Support/SuperCollider/Extensions/