

TrustKit Android

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TrustKit Android is an open source library that makes it easy to deploy SSL public key pinning and reporting in any Android App.

If you need SSL pinning/reporting in your iOS App. we have also released TrustKit for iOS and macOS at https://github.com/datatheorem/TrustKit.


TrustKit Android works by extending the Android N Network Security Configuration in two ways:

For better compatibility, TrustKit will also run on API levels 15 and 16 but its functionality will be disabled.

Getting Started

Sample Usage

Adding TrustKit as a Dependency

Add TrustKit to your project's build.gradle:

implementation 'com.datatheorem.android.trustkit:trustkit:<last_version>'

Configuring a Pinning Policy

Deploying SSL pinning in the App requires initializing TrustKit with a pinning policy (domains, pins, and additional settings). The policy is wrapped in the official Android N Network Security Configuration i.e :

<!-- res/xml/network_security_config.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <!-- Pin the domain www.datatheorem.com -->
  <!-- Official Android N API -->
      <pin digest="SHA-256">k3XnEYQCK79AtL9GYnT/nyhsabas03V+bhRQYHQbpXU=</pin>
      <pin digest="SHA-256">2kOi4HdYYsvTR1sTIR7RHwlf2SescTrpza9ZrWy7poQ=</pin>
    <!-- TrustKit Android API -->
    <!-- Do not enforce pinning validation -->
    <trustkit-config enforcePinning="false">
      <!-- Add a reporting URL for pin validation reports -->
      <!-- For debugging purposes, add a debug CA and override pins -->
      <certificates overridePins="true" src="@raw/debugca" />

Initializing TrustKit with the Pinning Policy

The path to the XML policy should then be specified in the App's manifest in order to enable it as the App's Network Security Configuration on Android N:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest ... >
    <application android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config"
                    ... >

Then, TrustKit should be initialized with the same path:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

  // Using the default path - res/xml/network_security_config.xml

  // OR using a custom resource (TrustKit can't be initialized twice)
  TrustKit.initializeWithNetworkSecurityConfiguration(this, R.xml.my_custom_network_security_config);

  URL url = new URL("https://www.datatheorem.com");
  String serverHostname = url.getHost();
  //Optionally add a local broadcast receiver to receive PinningFailureReports
  PinningValidationReportTestBroadcastReceiver receiver = new PinningValidationReportTestBroadcastReceiver();
                  .registerReceiver(receiver, new IntentFilter(BackgroundReporter.REPORT_VALIDATION_EVENT));

  // HttpsUrlConnection
  HttpsURLConnection connection = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();

  // OkHttp 2.x
  OkHttpClient client =
    new OkHttpClient()

  // OkHttp 3.0.x, 3.1.x and 3.2.x
  OkHttpClient client =
    new OkHttpClient.Builder()

  // OkHttp 3.3.x and higher
  OkHttpClient client =
    new OkHttpClient.Builder()
        .sslSocketFactory(OkHttp3Helper.getSSLSocketFactory(), OkHttp3Helper.getTrustManager())

class PinningFailureReportBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {

    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        PinningFailureReport report = (PinningFailureReport) intent.getSerializableExtra(BackgroundReporter.EXTRA_REPORT);

Once TrustKit has been initialized and the client or connection's SSLSocketFactory has been set, it will verify the server's certificate chain against the configured pinning policy whenever an HTTPS connection is initiated. If a report URI has been configured, the App will also send reports to the specified URI whenever a pin validation failure occurred.

You can also create and register local broadcast receivers to receive the same certificate pinning error reports that would be sent to the report_uris.


On Android N devices, TrustKit uses the OS's implementation of pinning, and it is not affected by the following limitations.

On Android M and earlier devices, TrustKit provides uses its own implementation of pinning that is mostly-compatible with Android N's pinning behavior. However, in order to keep the code base as simple as possible, it has the following limitations:

For consumers of TrustKit's OkHttpHelper solutions, redirects must to be disabled as Pinning will currently only work properly on the initial request and not any redirects


TrustKit Android is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.