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DataFlows is a simple and intuitive way of building data processing flows.

Read more in the Features section below.


Install dataflows via pip install.

(If you are using minimal UNIX OS, run first sudo apt install build-essential)

Then use the command-line interface to bootstrap a basic processing script for any remote data file:

# Install from PyPi
$ pip install dataflows

# Inspect a remote CSV file
$ dataflows init https://raw.githubusercontent.com/datahq/dataflows/master/data/academy.csv
Writing processing code into academy_csv.py
Running academy_csv.py
#     Year           Ceremony  Award                                 Winner  Name                            Film
      (string)      (integer)  (string)                            (string)  (string)                        (string)
----  ----------  -----------  --------------------------------  ----------  ------------------------------  -------------------
1     1927/1928             1  Actor                                         Richard Barthelmess             The Noose
2     1927/1928             1  Actor                                      1  Emil Jannings                   The Last Command
3     1927/1928             1  Actress                                       Louise Dresser                  A Ship Comes In
4     1927/1928             1  Actress                                    1  Janet Gaynor                    7th Heaven
5     1927/1928             1  Actress                                       Gloria Swanson                  Sadie Thompson
6     1927/1928             1  Art Direction                                 Rochus Gliese                   Sunrise
7     1927/1928             1  Art Direction                              1  William Cameron Menzies         The Dove; Tempest

# dataflows create a local package of the data and a reusable processing script which you can tinker with
$ tree
├── academy_csv
│   ├── academy.csv
│   └── datapackage.json
└── academy_csv.py

1 directory, 3 files

# Resulting 'Data Package' is super easy to use in Python
[adam] ~/code/budgetkey-apps/budgetkey-app-main-page/tmp (master=) $ python
Python 3.6.1 (default, Mar 27 2017, 00:25:54)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from datapackage import Package
>>> pkg = Package('academy_csv/datapackage.json')
>>> it = pkg.resources[0].iter(keyed=True)
>>> next(it)
{'Year': '1927/1928', 'Ceremony': 1, 'Award': 'Actor', 'Winner': None, 'Name': 'Richard Barthelmess', 'Film': 'The Noose'}
>>> next(it)
{'Year': '1927/1928', 'Ceremony': 1, 'Award': 'Actor', 'Winner': '1', 'Name': 'Emil Jannings', 'Film': 'The Last Command'}

# You now run `academy_csv.py` to repeat the process
# And obviously modify it to add data modification steps


Learn more

Dive into the Tutorial to get a deeper glimpse into everything that dataflows can do. Also review this list of Built-in Processors, which also includes an API reference for each one of them.