


Gulp Email Creator is a gulp workflow inspired by Lee Munroe's grunt-email-design workflow.

It aims to help speed up email template production by allowing you to use SCSS and inlining the generated CSS for you.


To use Gulp-Email-Creator you need to have both Node.js and Gulp.js installed .

You can install it by cloning this repository to a local folder and running the following from inside the directory.

    npm install

This will install all dependencies.

If the install fails try running the install as root. For some reason browsersync seemed to fail for me unless installed as root.

    sudo npm install

This now uses MailChimp's CSS inliner as I've found it to work better across browsers. You will now need a Mailchimp API key which you can add to the config.json file. You can get a Mailchimp API by creating one in your Mailchimp account. Instructions Here

Using the package

You can use the Gulp-Email-Creator workflow by creating your HTML in the ./src/html/ directory and your SCSS in the ./src/scss/ directory.

Compile Templates

Running gulp from the terminal will build the new HTML email template into the ./output/ directory and the proceed to watch ./src/html/ and ./src/scss/ for any updates.

The gulpfile has browsersync built in and will reload on any HTML or CSS edit, allowing you to focus on your code.

Sending the Template to yourself

Running gulp send will allow you to send the compiled template to yourself through Mailgun (you'll need to sign up for a free account). The settings for this can be found in the config.json file.

To run this, you can use the following command

gulp send --template="compiled-template-name.html"


Thanks to the awesome guys over Litmus, we can now throw your emails straight into their tests. You'll need an active Litmus account (well worth the money!) and to get your static email. Plug this into the config.json file and then run the following command.

gulp litmus --template="compiled-template-name.html"

In a few seconds/minutes, you'll see the test appear in Limus for you!


Any contributions will be happily recieved. Just open an issue or make a pull request.