

Quick Switcher++ for Obsidian

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Find what you're looking for faster, using Quick Switcher++. An Obsidian.md plugin that extends the functionality of the builtin "Quick Switcher". What's new?


Note: the core Obsidian "Quick Switcher" plugin must remain enabled. Quick Switcher++ extends the core switcher and shares the same configuration settings.


Search Headings:

Launch Switcher++ using a shortcut, trigger Headings mode using the default # command, then enter the search text. Notice, different heading level matches are returned, along with Alias, Unresolved and regular filename matches.

Heading Mode gif

Symbol Navigation:

Launch Switcher++ using a shortcut, filter all files to find the Format your notes file, then trigger the symbol command (default @) to open the file directly to the External links section.

Symbol Mode gif

Editor Navigation:

Launch Switcher++ directly into editor mode using a shortcut, filter the currently open editors to find the Format your notes editor and make it active. Then use Switcher++ again to open the backlinks side panel.

Symbol Mode gif

Search headings instead of filename

Find the file you're looking for by searching through the headings contained in the file, instead of only searching the filename. This mode can be configured to search a) strictly through only the first H1 header, fallback to filename search if there's no match with the H1, b) through all headers, and c) respect the builtin Quick Switcher settings Show existing only, Show attachments, and Show all file types. By default, this mode will display the first top 50 results.

headings mode preview

Search headings configuration

Headings list mode triggerCharacter that will trigger headings list mode in the switcher.#
Search HeadingsEnabled: search and show suggestions for Headings <br />Disabled: Don't search through Headingsenabled
Turn off filename fallbackEnabled: strictly search through only the headings contained in the file. Do not fallback to searching the filename when an H1 match is not found. <br />Disabled: fallback to searching against the filename when there is not a match in the first H1 contained in the file.disabled
Search all headingsEnabled: search through all headings contained in the file. <br />Disabled: only search through the first H1 in each file.enabled
Search FilenamesEnabled: search and show suggestions for filenames <br />Disabled: Don't search through filenames (except for fallback searches)disabled
Search BookmarksEnabled: search and show suggestions for Bookmarks <br />Disabled: Don't search through Bookmarksenabled
Max recent files to showThe maximum number of recent files to show when there is no search term. Set this to 0 to hide recent file suggestions in that case25
Exclude foldersList of folder path regex that will be used to exclude folders and their sub-directories from suggestion search. One per line.None
Hide Obsidian "Excluded files"Enabled, suggestions for files that are in Obsidian's "Options > Files & Links > Excluded files" list will not be displayed. Disabled, suggestions for those files will be displayed but downranked.disabled
File extension overrideOverride the "Show attachments" and the "Show all file types" builtin, system Switcher settings and always search files with the listed extensions.canvas

Symbol Navigation (Canvas Nodes, Headings, Hashtags, Links, Embeddings)

View, filter, and navigate to any symbol (Canvas Nodes, Headings, Hashtags, Links, Embedding, Callouts) in a file directly from the Quick Switcher, whether the file is currently open in an editor or not. This feature can be triggered in two ways a) for the active file in the currently active editor pane, b) for the currently selected (highlighted) suggestion in the switcher itself.

For active file in the active editor pane

The Quick Switcher++: Open Symbols for the active editor command will always trigger Symbol mode for the current active file in the active editor pane (the file actively being edited). Meaning, when this command is triggered (either via a hotkey, command palette, or trigger character), the list of symbol suggestions will always be symbols from the active file in the active editor pane when the command was triggered.

Embedded Symbol mode: For any other file in the vault, open or not

The Symbol mode trigger character (default @) will trigger Symbol mode for the currently highlighted suggestion in the switcher. Meaning, when you open up the switcher and it's displaying a list of your recent files (or a list of file search results), the source file for whichever suggestion is highlighted when you type @ is the file whose symbols will be displayed. The resulting list of symbol suggestions will be from the file suggestion that was highlighted when the @ was typed. You can use the navigation keys to select (highlight) which file will be used as the source file before typing @.

For example: symbols can be viewed by opening Quick Switcher++, typing some characters to filter and/or using the arrow keys to select (highlight) the file of interest. Then, once the file of interest is selected/highlighted, type the trigger character (default @) to view the symbols for the file of interest.

symbol outline preview

Symbol Navigation Configuration

Symbol list mode triggerCharacter that will trigger symbol list mode in the switcher. This triggers a display of Symbols for the source file of the currently selected (highlighted) suggestion in the switcher. If there is not a suggestion, display results for the active editor.@
Symbol list mode trigger - Active editor onlyCharacter that will trigger symbol list mode in the switcher. This always triggers a display of Symbols for the active editor only. Note this trigger should be different from Symbol list mode trigger$ (note the trailing space)
List symbols as indented outlineEnabled: symbols will be displayed in the (line) order they appear in the source text, indented under any preceding heading.<br />Disabled: symbols will be grouped by type: Headings, Tags, Links, Embeds.enabled
Open Symbols in new paneEnabled: always open a new pane when navigating to Symbols.<br />Disabled: navigate in an already open pane (if one exists).disabled
Open Symbols in active pane on mobile devicesEnabled: navigate to the target file and symbol in the active editor pane, in other words, don't create a new editor pane.<br />Disabled: open a new pane when navigating to Symbols, even on mobile devices.disabled
Auto-select nearest headingEnabled: in an unfiltered symbol list, select the closest preceding Heading to the current cursor position. <br />Disabled: the first symbol in the list is selected.enabled
Show HeadingsEnabled: display Headings in the symbol list.<br />Disabled: don't show Headings in the symbol listenabled
Show TagsEnabled: display Tags in the symbol list.<br />Disabled: don't show Tags in the symbol listenabled
Show EmbedsEnabled: display Embeds in the symbol list.<br />Disabled: don't show Embeds in the symbol listenabled
Show LinksEnabled: display Links in the symbol list. When enabled, the following settings become visible to further refine which types of links are displayed, Links to headings, Links to blocks.<br />Disabled: don't show Links in the symbol listenabled
Links to headingsEnabled: display links that point to a header, e.g [[file#header]]. This setting is only visible when Show Links is enabled.<br />Disabled: don't show Links to headersenabled
Links to blocksEnabled: display links that point to a block, e.g [[file#^blockid]]. This setting is only visible when Show Links is enabled.<br />Disabled: don't show Links to blocksenabled

Navigate between open editors

View, and filter all of the currently open editors, and navigate to any of them from Quick Switcher++ by using the default edt command. Note: Symbol search works in this mode as well, so you can use both modes together e.g. edt @. The default builtin Quick Switcher behavior is used when no commands are present.

Editors/views from the side panels can be configured to be displayed in the list as well. For example, you could use this to navigate to the backlinks, file explorer, tag pane, etc.. system views/panes directly from the Quick Switcher.

editor search preview

Editor Navigation Configuration

Editor list mode triggerCharacter that will trigger editor list mode in the switcher.edt
Include side panel viewsShow the specified view types from the side panels in the switcher. Add one view type per line. Leave empty to never display side panel editors in the switcher.backlink<br />image<br />markdown<br />pdf
Order default editor list by most recently accessedEnabled: When there is no search term, order the list of open editors by most recent access time.enabled

Switch Workspaces

View, filter, and switch between configured Workspaces quickly using the default + command.

Note: the built-in system Workspaces plugin must be enabled for this mode to work.

Workspace configuration

Workspace list mode triggerCharacter that will trigger workspace list mode in the switcher.+

Search Obsidian Bookmarks

View, filter, and switch between Obsidian Bookmarks quickly using the default ' command.

Note: the built-in system Bookmarks plugin must be enabled for this mode to work.

Bookmarks configuration

Bookmarks list mode triggerCharacter that will trigger Bookmarks list mode in the switcher.'

Run Commands

View, search, and run Obsidian commands quickly using the default > command. When there is no search text, the suggestion list will display the list of pinned commands, followed by a list of commands that were recently executed. When there are no pinned commands and no recently executed commands, then all commands are displayed initially. When there is search text, the suggestion list will only display commands that matched the search text.

Note: the core Obsidian "Command Palette" plugin must remain enabled. The core plugin provides the capabilities to manage Pinned Commands.

Command configuration

Command list mode triggerCharacter that will trigger command list mode in the switcher.>

Related Items

View, filter, and navigate to files that are "related" to the selected input file directly from the Quick Switcher, whether the file is currently open in an editor or not. The supported relation types are: Outgoing links, Backlinks, and File system location. This feature can be triggered in two ways a) for the active file in the currently active editor pane, b) for the currently selected (highlighted) suggestion in the switcher itself.

For active file in the active editor pane:

The Quick Switcher++: Open Related Items for the active editor command will always trigger Related Items mode for the current active file in the active editor pane (the file actively being edited). Meaning, when this command is triggered (either via a hotkey, command palette, or trigger character), the list of related item suggestions will always be related to the active file in the active editor pane when the command was triggered.

For any other file in the vault, open or not:

The Related Items mode trigger character (default ~) will trigger Related Items mode for the currently highlighted suggestion in the switcher. Meaning, when you open up the switcher and it's displaying a list of your recent files (or a list of file search results), the source file for whichever suggestion is highlighted when you type ~ is the file whose relations will be displayed. The resulting list of related item suggestions will be for the file suggestion that was highlighted when the ~ was typed. You can use the navigation keys to select (highlight) which file will be used as the source file before typing ~.

For example: related items can be viewed by opening Quick Switcher++, typing some characters to filter and/or using the arrow keys to select (highlight) the file of interest. Then, once the file of interest is selected/highlighted, type the trigger character (default ~) to view the related items for the file of interest.

Backlinks relation (backlink)

When the Related Items command is triggered for a selected input suggestion/file, the entire vault is searched for all backlinks. Backlinks are files that contain an outgoing link pointing to the input file. These will be displayed in the result list along with a count of the number of links to the input file they contain.

Backlinks for Unresolved Links

Unresolved Links are outgoing links that point to files that do not exist in the vault. The Related Items commands can also be triggered for Unresolved Link suggestions, and will behave the same as a regular file.

Outgoing links relation (outgoing-link)

When the Related Items command is triggered for a selected input suggestion/file, all of the internal outgoing links from the input file will displayed in the result list.

File system location relation (disk-location)

When the Related Items command is triggered for a selected input suggestion/file, all files that are located in the same directory in the File System (or otherwise specified in the settings) as the input file will be displayed in the result list.

Related Items Configuration

Related items list mode triggerCharacter that will trigger related items list mode in the switcher. This triggers a display of Related Items for the source file of the currently selected (highlighted) suggestion in the switcher. If there is not a suggestion, display results for the active editor.~
Related Items list mode trigger - Active editor onlyCharacter that will trigger related items list mode in the switcher. This always triggers a display of Related Items for the active editor only. Note this trigger should be different from Related items list mode trigger^ (note the trailing space)
Show related item typesSpecify which relation types are enabled to be displayed in the result list.backlink<br />disk-location<br />outgoing-link
Exclude open filesEnabled: related files which are already open in an editor will not be displayed in the list.<br />Disabled: All related files will be displayed in the list.disabled

Open Vaults

Note: this is an experimental feature.

Open existing vaults directly from the switcher using the default vault command.

Vault configuration

Vault list mode triggerCharacter that will trigger vault list mode in the switcher.vault

Quick Filters

Quick Filters enable you to quickly narrow down the types of items that appear in your search results without having to change your query. Each type of results will have a hotkey assigned that can be used to toggle (show/hide) that type from the result list. When active, only results that match the Quick Filter type will be displayed, multiple Quick Filters can be active at the same time.

In the demo below, Quick Switcher++: Open Symbols for the active editor global command is triggered for the active file. Notice towards the bottom of the Switcher the hotkeys assigned to each result type. The headings Quick Filter is triggered using the Ctrl+Alt+1 hotkey, this restricts the result list to only display Heading results. Multiple Quick Filters are activated using their corresponding hotkeys, and all Quick Filters can be quickly toggle off using Ctrl+Alt+0.

quick filters gif

General Settings

Show ribbon iconsList of modes that should be accessible from the ribbon menu.HeadingsList<br />SymbolList
Override default Switcher launch button (the "⊕" button) on mobile platformsOverride the "⊕" button (in the Navigation Bar) on mobile platforms to launch Switcher++ instead of the default system switcher. Select the Mode to launch Switcher++ in, or select "Do not override" to disable the feature.Do not override
Preferred suggestion title sourceThe preferred source to use for the primary suggestion text that will be searched and displayed for file based suggestions.First H₁ heading
Preferred file path display formatThe preferred way to display file paths in suggestions. Note: by default, path information will not be displayed for files at the root of the vault.Parent folder & filename
Hide path for root itemsEnabled: path information will be hidden for items at the root of the vault.enabled
Mode trigger escape characterA character that can be used as a prefix to force a mode trigger character to be treated just as normal text.!
Default to open in new paneEnabled: navigating to un-opened files will open a new editor pane whenever possible (as if cmd/ctrl were held). When the file is already open, the existing pane will be activated. This overrides all other pane settings.enabled
Override Standard mode behaviorEnabled: Switcher++ will change the default Obsidian builtin Switcher functionality (Standard mode) to inject custom behavior. Custom behavior includes features like enhance rendering of suggestion items to display additional information, special path display handling, and tab navigation features.<br />Disabled: No changes are made to the default Obsidian builtin functionality (Standard Mode).enabled
Show indicator iconsEnabled: Display icons to indicate that an item is recent, bookmarks, etc...enabled
Result priority adjustmentsEnabled: Artificially increase the match score of the specified item types by a fixed percentage so they appear higher in the results list (does not apply to Standard Mode). See the default list of priority types that can be prioritized. Note that the adjustments are independent of each other, e.g. if adjustments are specified for both Bookmarked items and Open items a result for a file that is open and bookmarked will receive both adjustments.<br />Disabled result match scores are not adjusted.disabled
Use filename as aliasEnabled: The file basename will be set as the link alias.<br />Disabled: An alias will not be setenabled
Use heading as aliasEnabled: The file heading will be set as the link alias. This overrides the "use filename as alias" setting.<br />Disabled: fall back to the "use filename as alias" setting.enabled
Restore previous input in Command ModeEnabled: restore previous command mode input when launched via global command hotkeydisabled
Restore previous inputEnabled: restore previous switcher input when launched via global command hotkeydisabled
Display mode trigger instructionsEnabled: the trigger key for each mode will be displayed in the instructions section of the Switcher.enabled
Display Headings as Live PreviewDisabled: Headings will be rendered as HTML similar to the Obsidian "Live Preview" display. Note that when this is enabled search matches in these headings will not be highlighted. The toggle preview (selected heading) hotkey can be used to toggle the display of individual results.<br />Disabled: Headings will be rendered as raw text and search matches will be highlighted.disabled

Global Commands for Hotkeys

The following Global Commands are registered by the plugin, which can be used for global hotkeys/shortcuts.


From Obsidian

From Obsidian v0.9.10, this plugin can be activated from within Obsidian:

From Github


Contributions via bug fixes, documentation, and general improvements are always welcome. For more major feature work, please create a Discussion about the feature idea, or reach out to me so we can judge feasibility and how best to implement it.

A primary design goal for Switcher++ is to be a "drop in" replacement for the built-in system Switcher. Such that, a user can simply replace the built-in system Switcher with Switcher++ and have all the built-in functionality continue to work as expected.

Getting started

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