


vgram is a bot library for the Telegram Bot API written in V.
The Bot API is an HTTP-based interface created for developers keen on building bots for Telegram.

It currently implements every method from Telegram Bot API 4.8



Currently, due to some vlang issues, this library have some limitations.
Some part of the code are commented, check types.v

Getting started

  1. Search for the “@botfather” telegram bot and start it
  2. Click on or type /newbot to create a new bot and follow his instructions
  3. Copy the token and create a file named sendMessage.v with the following code:
module main

import dariotarantini.vgram

fn main(){
    bot := vgram.new_bot('TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN_HERE')
        chat_id: "USER_ID_HERE",
        text: 'yo! Made using vgram!'



You can find the documentation directly on the Telegram website or you can read it in the vgram source code. See methods.v and types.v.

Call a method using:

    method_arg1: "some text"
    method_arg1: 123 // or int

- *bot_instance* can be created using bot_instance := vgram.Bot{"TOKEN"} or bot_instance.new_bot("TOKEN")
- *method_name* and *method_args* shoud be in snake_case

Thats it. You are ready to go.

Custom endpoint

You can set a custom telegram endpoint via Bot.endpoint value. Default is set to https://api.telegram.org/bot