<h1 align="center">Ask me anything!</h1> <h3 align="center"><a href="../../issues/new">?Ask a Question</a> <a href="../../issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed">🗣 Read the Answers</a></h3>- I'm a Developer, Designer, Founder, Mentor & Speaker.
- I Co-Founded Themify
- I Co-Organize NodeSchoolTO
- I Co-Organized jQueryTO (the first JS conference in Canada)
- I'm the creator of DSS, Front-end Developer Interview Questions & more
- I make a really good apple crisp
I get a lot of questions by email and can't answer them all. This is a great way for anyone to ask or read questions and answers!
Anything means anything. Personal questions. Money. Work. Life. Code. Whatever.
- Ensure your question hasn't already been answered.
- Use a succinct title and description.
- Bugs & feature requests should be opened on the relevant issue tracker.
- Support questions are better asked on Stack Overflow.
- Be civil and polite :)