

an open source KiCad library of mechanical keyboard switch footprints for your open source hardware keyboard designs


Cherry MX style and compatibles

Direct solder

SW_MXOne-sided mount for any MX-compatible switches. Supports PCB mount switches.MX Switch
SW_MX_reversibleEnables any MX-compatible switches to be mounted on either side of the PCB, similar to the switch mounts on the original Ergodox PCBs. Supports PCB mount switches.SW_MX_reversible
SW_MX_reversible_minimalA variant of SW_MX_reversible with condensed reference marking and no PCB mount holesSW_MX_reversible_minimal

Hot-swap socket mount

Kailh_socket_MXHot-swappable socket mount for MX-compatible switches using Kailh MX socketsKailh_socket_MX
Kailh_socket_MX_reversibleEnables attaching hot-swappable MX-compatible socket mount on either side of the PCB. Note that the switch will be "upside-down" when mounted on the back side of the PCB, which may interfere with Cherry Profile keycaps.Kailh_socket_MX_reversible
Kailh_socket_MX_platemountHot-swappable socket mount for MX-compatible plate mount (instead of 3 plastic pins, it only have 1 plastic pin on the center) switches using Kailh MX sockets It doesn't support PCB mounting option!Kailh_socket_MX
Kailh_socket_MX_reversible_platemountEnables attaching hot-swappable MX-compatible socket mount on either side of the PCB for plate mount (instead of 3 plastic pins, it only have 1 plastic pin on the center) switches. Note that the switch will be "upside-down" when mounted on the back side of the PCB, which may interfere with Cherry Profile keycaps. It doesn't support PCB mounting option!Kailh_socket_MX_reversible

Flexible mounting (choose socket or direct soldered when assembling)

Kailh_socket_MX_optionalEnables mounting MX-compatible switches using either through-hole soldering or the hot-swappable mount. Note that the switch will be "upside-down" when mounted in the socket, which may interfere with Cherry Profile keycaps.Kailh_socket_MX_optional
Kailh_socket_MX_optional_reversibleEnables mounting MX-compatible switches using either through-hole soldering or the hot-swappable mount, on either side of the PCB. Note that the switch orientation will be reversed depending on which side of the PCB it is mounted on, which may affect aesthetics if the case leaves the switches visible, as well as possible interference with Cherry Profile keycaps.Kailh_socket_MX_optional_reversible
Kailh_socket_MX_optionalEnables mounting MX-compatible plate mount (instead of 3 plastic pins, it only have 1 plastic pin on the center) switches using either through-hole soldering or the hot-swappable mount. Note that the switch will be "upside-down" when mounted in the socket, which may interfere with Cherry Profile keycaps. It doesn't support PCB mounting option!Kailh_socket_MX_optional_platemount
Kailh_socket_MX_optional_reversibleEnables mounting MX-compatible plate mount (instead of 3 plastic pins, it only have 1 plastic pin on the center) switches using either through-hole soldering or the hot-swappable mount, on either side of the PCB. Note that the switch orientation will be reversed depending on which side of the PCB it is mounted on, which may affect aesthetics if the case leaves the switches visible, as well as possible interference with Cherry Profile keycaps. It doesn't support PCB mounting option!Kailh_socket_MX_optional_reversible_platemount

Kailh Low Profile "Choc"

Direct solder

SW_PG1350Just a plain one-sided mount for Kailh PG1350 switchesPG1350 switch
SW_PG1350_reversibleEnables the switch to be mounted on either side of the PCB, similar to the switch mounts on the original Ergodox PCBsPG1350 reversible
SW_PG1350_reversible_rotatableEnables the switch to be mounted on either side of the PCB and optionally rotated 90° by the person assembling the board. This option is intended to allow the board assembler to accomodate keycaps that only fit in a particular orientation.PG1350, reversible & rotatable

Hot-swap socket mount

Kailh_socket_PG1350Hot-swappable socket mount for Kailh Choc PCB SocketsPG1350 socket mount
Kailh_socket_PG1350_reversibleEnables attaching hot-swappable socket mount on either side of the PCBPG1350 reversible socket mount

Flexible mounting (choose socket or direct soldered when assembling)

Kailh_socket_PG1350_optionalEnables switch to be attached with either through-hole soldering or hot-swappable mountPG1350 optional socket mount
Kailh_socket_PG1350_optional_reversibleEnables switch to be attached on either side of the PCB with either through-hole soldering or hot-swappable mountPG1350 optional socket mount, reversible

Notes for switch footprints

The square in the layer F.Fab is meant to represent the outline of the switch as it would be mounted on the board. This is a change from older versions of this library but matches the KiCad library convention.

The plate footprint and LED mount area are marked on the layer Eco2.User. The plate footprint markings, especially for MX, are meant to show the overall dimensions of the cutout, not to be detailed enough to cut a plate from.

For all socket-mountable (and flexible-mount) footprints here, the socket is placed on the back of the footprint (i.e. the switch ends up mounted on the front if the footprint is placed on the front of the board). This goes against KiCad library standards for SMD parts but is done for consistency between the direct-mount and socket-mount footprints in this library. Be aware of this when placing the footprints on your board.

The fab layer and silkscreen for the socket footprints contain the standard information for both installing the switch on the front of the PCB and installing the socket on the back. Likewise, reversible footprints show the information for installation on both sides. Particularly with flexible-mount footprints, be careful that this doesn't cause confusion for anyone assembling your board – you may want to delete the extra silkscreen and fab info depending on your preferred assembly method or at least mention this in any assembly documentation you provide for your PCB.

Other included components

Stabilizer_MX_2uMounting holes for a 2u PCB-mount stabilizer for MX-style switches2u MX-style stabilizer holes

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.