

<div align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5306901/141127528-ddff21bb-8da3-43da-8efe-9494a4f231d2.png" width=250><br>

Neogen - Your Annotation Toolkit

Neovim Lua


Table Of Contents




Have Tree-sitter parsers installed on your system. For more information, check out the :treesitter-parsers neovim help page.


Use your favorite package manager to install Neogen, e.g:


    config = true,
    -- Uncomment next line if you want to follow only stable versions
    -- version = "*" 


use {
    config = function()
        require('neogen').setup {}
    -- Uncomment next line if you want to follow only stable versions
    -- tag = "*"


" will generate annotation for the function, class or other relevant type you're currently in
" or you can force a certain type of annotation with `:Neogen <TYPE>`
" It'll find the next upper node that matches the type `TYPE`
" E.g if you're on a method of a class and do `:Neogen class`, it'll find the class declaration and generate the annotation.
:Neogen func|class|type|...

You can bind it to your keybind of choice, like so:

local opts = { noremap = true, silent = true }
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<Leader>nf", ":lua require('neogen').generate()<CR>", opts)

Calling the generate function without any parameters will try to generate annotations for the current function.

You can provide some options for the generate, like so:

    type = "func" -- the annotation type to generate. Currently supported: func, class, type, file

For example, I can add an other keybind to generate class annotations:

local opts = { noremap = true, silent = true }
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<Leader>nc", ":lua require('neogen').generate({ type = 'class' })<CR>", opts)

Snippet support

We added snippet support, and we provide defaults for some snippet engines. And this is done via the snippet_engine option in neogen's setup:

Currently supported: luasnip, snippy, vsnip.

require('neogen').setup({ snippet_engine = "luasnip" })

That's all ! You can now use your favorite snippet engine to control the annotation, like jumping between placeholders.

Or, if you want to return the snippet as a string (to integrate with other snippet engines, for example), you can do it by using the return_snippet option in the generate function:

local snippet, row, col = require('neogen').generate({ snippet_engine = "luasnip" })

And then pass the snippet to the plugin's snippet expansion function.

Default cycling support

Note that this part is only useful if you don't use the snippets integration.

If you don't want to use a snippet engine with Neogen, you can leverage Neogen's native jumps between placeholders. To map some keys to the cycling feature, you can do like so:

local opts = { noremap = true, silent = true }
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "<C-l>", ":lua require('neogen').jump_next<CR>", opts)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "<C-h>", ":lua require('neogen').jump_prev<CR>", opts)

Or, if you want to use a key that's already used for completion purposes, take a look at the code snippet here:

<details> <summary>nvim-cmp</summary>
local cmp = require('cmp')
local neogen = require('neogen')

cmp.setup {

    -- You must set mapping if you want.
    mapping = {
        ["<tab>"] = cmp.mapping(function(fallback)
            if neogen.jumpable() then
        end, {
        ["<S-tab>"] = cmp.mapping(function(fallback)
            if neogen.jumpable(true) then
        end, {


require('neogen').setup {
    enabled = true,             --if you want to disable Neogen
    input_after_comment = true, -- (default: true) automatic jump (with insert mode) on inserted annotation
    -- jump_map = "<C-e>"       -- (DROPPED SUPPORT, see [here](#cycle-between-annotations) !) The keymap in order to jump in the annotation fields (in insert mode)

If you're not satisfied with the default configuration for a language, you can change the defaults like this:

require('neogen').setup {
    enabled = true,
    languages = {
        lua = {
            template = {
                annotation_convention = "emmylua" -- for a full list of annotation_conventions, see supported-languages below,
                ... -- for more template configurations, see the language's configuration file in configurations/{lang}.lua

For example, if you want to quickly add support for new filetypes based around existing ones, you can do like this:

    languages = {
        ['cpp.doxygen'] = require('neogen.configurations.cpp')

Supported Languages

There is a list of supported languages and fields, with their annotation style

LanguagesAnnotation ConventionsSupported annotation types
shGoogle Style Guide ("google_bash")func, file
cDoxygen ("doxygen")func, file, type
csXmldoc ("xmldoc") <br> Doxygen ("doxygen")func, file, class
cppDoxygen ("doxygen")func, file, class
goGoDoc ("godoc")func, type
javaJavadoc ("javadoc)func, class
javascriptJSDoc ("jsdoc")func, class, type, file
javascriptreactJSDoc ("jsdoc")func, class, type, file
kotlinKDoc ("kdoc")func, class
luaEmmylua ("emmylua")<br> Ldoc ("ldoc")func, class, type, file
phpPhp-doc ("phpdoc")func, type, class
pythonGoogle docstrings ("google_docstrings") <br> Numpydoc ("numpydoc") <br> reST ("reST")func, class, type, file
rubyYARD ("yard") <br> Rdoc ("rdoc") <br> Tomdoc ("tomdoc")func, type, class
rustRustDoc ("rustdoc") <br> Alternative ("rust_alternative")func, file, class
typescriptJSDoc ("jsdoc") <br> TSDoc ("tsdoc")func, class, type, file
typescriptreactJSDoc ("jsdoc") <br> TSDoc ("tsdoc")func, class, type, file
vueJSDoc ("jsdoc")func, class, type, file

Adding Languages

  1. Using the defaults to generate a new language support: Adding Languages
  2. (advanced) Only if the defaults aren't enough, please see here: Advanced Integration

Tip: Take a look at this beatiful diagram, showing a representation of the codebase. You can then take a first understanding of what is under the hood. For more details, you can see :h neogen-develop.

Visualization of this repo







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