

iOS App Signer

This is an app for OS X that can (re)sign apps and bundle them into ipa files that are ready to be installed on an iOS device.

Supported input types are: ipa, deb, app, xcarchive


This app requires Xcode to be installed, it has run successfully on the new macOS 12 Monterey.

You need a provisioning profile and signing certificate, you can get these from Xcode by creating a new project.

You can then open up iOS App Signer and select your input file, signing certificate, provisioning file, and optionally specify a new application ID and/or application display name.

<a href="https://paypal.me/DanTheMan827" class="donate"><img src="http://dantheman827.github.io/images/donate-button.svg" height="44" alt="Donate"></a>

Thanks To

maciekish / iReSign: The basic process was gleaned from the source code of this project.