


DanSpeech demo.

This is a demo that demonstrates some of the functionality of the danspeech python package.


Note that the demo includes some functionality of Danspeech that requires PyAudio and ctcdecoce.

For the best possible experience, please download and install these libraries as well!

Else, the following will enable danspeech.

$ pip install danspeech
$ pip install django
$ git clone https://github.com/danspeech/danspeechdemo.git
$ cd danspeechdemo
$ pip install .


Now, execute a script or run from terminal as below:

$ python
>>> import danspeechdemo
>>> danspeechdemo.run_server()

The demo will then be live at

This demo is currently under development!

Features not working correctly:

These features will be added as soon as possible.

Authors and acknowledgment

Main authors:

This project is supported by Innovation Foundation Denmark through the projects DABAI and ATEL

Other acknowledgements: