


Configurable redux middleware that sends your actions & user profile data to Mixpanel. It also works with React Native ;)


npm install --save rn-redux-mixpanel


// store/index.js
import mixpanel from 'rn-redux-mixpanel'
import { INIT_PERSISTENCE, HYDRATE, SESSION_ACTIVITY, SIGN_IN } from '../../constants/ActionTypes'
import humanize from 'underscore.string'

// define a blacklist to be used in the ignoreAction filter
const blacklist = [

// Export configured mixpanel redux middleware
export default mixpanel({

  // add ignore action filter
  ignoreAction: (action) => {
    return blacklist.indexOf(action.type) > -1;

  // Mixpanel Token

  // derive Mixpanel event name from action and/or state
  selectEventName: (action, state) => humanize(action.type),

  // Per-action selector: Mixpanel event `distinct_id`
  selectDistinctId: (action, state) => {
    if (state.session && state.session.userId) {
      return state.session.userId
    } else if (SIGN_IN === action.type && action.user) {
      return action.user._id

  // Per-action selector: Mixpanel Engage user profile data
  selectUserProfileData: (action, state) => {
    const user = action.user

    // Only update user profile data on SIGN_IN action type
    if (SIGN_IN === action.type && user) {
      // User data to `$set` via Mixpanel Engage request
      const userProfileData = {
        '$first_name': user['first_name'],
        '$last_name': user['last_name'],
        '$email': user['email_address'],
        '$created': user['date_created'],

      return userProfileData

  // Per-action selector: Mixpanel Engage user profile set data once
  selectUserProfileDataOnce: (action, state) => {
    const user = action.user

    // Only update user profile data on SIGN_IN action type
    if (SIGN_IN === action.type && user) {
      // User data to `$set_once` via Mixpanel Engage request
      return {
        'Has Logged In': true,


Configure the mixpanel redux middleware by invoking with an options object, containing:

  1. token – Your Mixpanel application token.
  2. ignoreAction – An optional function, that receives an action and returns a truthy value, if it should be ignored.
  3. selectDistinctId – A selector function that returns the distinct_id (user id), given the action and store state.
  4. selectUserProfileData – A selector function that returns user profile data for a Mixpanel Engage request, given the action and store state.
  5. selectUserProfileDataOnce - A selector that returns people properties and sets it for once. (uses $set_once people property)
  6. selectEventName – A optional selector function that returns the Mixpanel event name, given the action and store state. By default action.type.
  7. selectProperties - An optional selector function that returns Mixpanel properties to add to the request, given the action and store state.