

RPEFlow: Multimodal Fusion of RGB-PointCloud-Event for Joint Optical Flow and Scene Flow Estimation (ICCV 2023)

Project Page, arXiv, Supp.

<img src="assets/viz.jpg" width="90%" />


CUDA 11.7
CUDNN 8.5.0
torch 1.13.0
torchvision 0.14.0
pip install opencv-python tensorboard h5py imageio omegaconf

Compile CUDA extensions from CamLiFlow for faster training and evaluation:

cd models/csrc
python setup.py build_ext --inplace



If you just want to run this project, just download our pre-processed files here.

├── train_preprocess_ev10_1
├── val_preprocess_ev10_1
<details><summary> Optional. If it doesn't meet your needs, </summary> you should first download the raw <a href="https://lmb.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/resources/datasets/SceneFlowDatasets.en.html" target="_blank">FlyingThings3D_subset</a> dataset and perform the event simulation (with <a href=https://github.com/uzh-rpg/rpg_vid2e target="_blank">esim_py</a>, currently not available) and point cloud generation steps. The point cloud generation process follows <a href="https://github.com/MCG-NJU/CamLiFlow/blob/main/preprocess_flyingthings3d_subset.py" target="_blank">CamLiFlow</a>. <pre><code>python preprocess_flyingthings3d_subset.py # from https://github.com/MCG-NJU/CamLiFlow/blob/main/preprocess_flyingthings3d_subset.py python scripts/convert_flyingthings3d_subset_hdf5.py --input_dir dataset/FlyingThings3D_subset_pc </code></pre> </details>


If you just want to run this project, just download our pre-processed files here.

├── sf_preprocess
<details><summary> Optional. If it doesn't meet your needs, </summary> you should first download the raw <a href="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1znj0EqCn5CkaBYhRqrOqnHSKKexhVhIX" target="_blank">EKubric</a> dataset and perform the point cloud generation and preprocess step. <pre><code>dataset/ekubric/ ├── backward_flow ├── depth ├── events_i50_c0.15 ├── forward_flow ├── metadata ├── rgba ├── segmentation </code></pre> <pre><code>python convert_kubric_hdf5.py --input_dir dataset/ekubric </code></pre> </details>


If you just want to run this project, just download our pre-processed files here.

├── train_preprocess_pc

Since there is no ground truth flow for the official test set, we can only divide the official training set into a train set and a val set. See TRAIN_SEQUENCE for details.

<details><summary> Optional. If it doesn't meet your needs, </summary> you should first download the raw <a href="https://dsec.ifi.uzh.ch/dsec-datasets/download/" target="_blank">DSEC</a> dataset and perform the disparity and aligned image (<a href="https://github.com/uzh-rpg/DSEC/issues/25" target="_blank">Events and frame alignment</a>) generation steps. Note that the disparity here is not the official sparse disparity, but is computed using the stereo matching model <a href="https://github.com/gallenszl/CFNet" target="_blank">CFNet</a>. <pre><code>dataset/DSEC/ ├── train │   ├── thun_00_a │   ├── calibration │   ├── disparity │   ├── events │   ├── flow │   └── images ... ├── train_events.zip ├── train_images.zip ├── train_optical_flow.zip ├── train_calibration.zip </code></pre> </details>



First download our pre-trained model weights here and place them in the checkpoints folder.


python eval_withocc.py --config ./conf/test/things.yaml --weights ./checkpoints/RPEFlow_things.pt
<details><summary> Results </summary> <pre><code>#### 2D Metrics #### EPE: 1.402 1px: 86.22% Fl: 5.75% #### 3D Metrics #### EPE: 0.042 5cm: 88.00% 10cm: 93.08% #### 3D Metrics (Non-occluded) #### EPE: 0.024 5cm: 93.14% 10cm: 96.72% </code></pre> </details>


python eval_withocc.py --config ./conf/test/ekubric.yaml --weights ./checkpoints/RPEFlow_ekubric.pt
<details><summary> Results </summary> <pre><code>#### 2D Metrics #### EPE: 0.439 1px: 95.99% Fl: 1.48% #### 3D Metrics #### EPE: 0.027 5cm: 95.33% 10cm: 96.32% #### 3D Metrics (Non-occluded) #### EPE: 0.007 5cm: 98.66% 10cm: 99.19% </code></pre> </details>


❯ python eval_noocc.py --config ./conf/test/dsec.yaml --weights ./checkpoints/RPEFlow_DSEC.pt
<details><summary> Results </summary> <pre><code>#### 2D Metrics #### EPE: 0.326 1px: 95.28% Fl: 1.15% #### 3D Metrics #### EPE: 0.103 5cm: 60.81% 10cm: 74.97% </code></pre> </details>


The model training requires four 24G GPUs (4 RTX3090 we use). We first pre-train on FlyingThings3D and then fine-tune on EKubric and DSEC respectively. Note that the pre-train stage on FlyingThings3D may take more than 8 days.

python train.py --config ./conf/train/pretrain.yaml
python train.py --config ./conf/train/kubric.yaml --weights ./outputs/RPEFlow_pretrain_gpu4xbs4/best.pt
python train.py --config ./conf/train/dsec.yaml --weights ./outputs/RPEFlow_pretrain_gpu4xbs4/best.pt


  author    = {Wan, Zhexiong and Mao, Yuxin and Zhang, Jing and Dai, Yuchao},
  title     = {RPEFlow: Multimodal Fusion of RGB-PointCloud-Event for Joint Optical Flow and Scene Flow Estimation},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
  year      = {2023},


This research was sponsored by Zhejiang Lab.

Thanks the ACs and the reviewers for their comments, which is very helpful to improve our paper.

Our project is based on <a href="https://github.com/MCG-NJU/CamLiFlow" target="_blank">CamLiFlow</a>. Thanks for the following helpful open source projects: <a href="https://github.com/MCG-NJU/CamLiFlow" target="_blank">CamLiFlow</a>, <a href="https://github.com/princeton-vl/RAFT" target="_blank">RAFT</a>, <a href="https://github.com/princeton-vl/RAFT-3D" target="_blank">RAFT-3D</a>, <a href="https://github.com/google-research/kubric/" target="_blank">kubric</a>, <a href="https://github.com/uzh-rpg/rpg_vid2e" target="_blank">esim_py</a>, <a href="https://github.com/uzh-rpg/E-RAFT" target="_blank">E-RAFT</a>, <a href="https://github.com/uzh-rpg/DSEC" target="_blank">DSEC</a>, <a href="https://github.com/gallenszl/CFNet" target="_blank">CFNet</a>.