


LGPL-v3 licensed Build Status

Binding to cordova-plugin-globalization

What does cordova-plugin-globalization do ?

This plugin obtains information and performs operations specific to the user's
locale, language, and timezone. Note the difference between locale and language:
locale controls how numbers, dates, and times are displayed for a region, while
language determines what language text appears as, independently of locale
settings. Often developers use locale to set both settings, but there is no
reason a user couldn't set her language to "English" but locale to "French", so
that text is displayed in English but dates, times, etc., are displayed as they
are in France. Unfortunately, most mobile platforms currently do not make a
distinction between these settings.

Source: cordova-plugin-globalization

Repository branches and tags

Only gen_js_api version is provided.

The binding has not been tested but it compiles.

How to install and compile your project by using this plugin ?

Don't forget to switch to a compiler >= 4.03.0.

opam switch 4.03.0

You can use opam by pinning the repository with

opam pin add cordova-plugin-globalization https://github.com/dannywillems/ocaml-cordova-plugin-globalization.git

and to compile your project, use

ocamlfind ocamlc -c -o [output_file] -package gen_js_api -package ocaml-js-stdlib -package cordova-plugin-globalization [...] -linkpkg [other arguments]

Don't forget to install the cordova plugin globalization with

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-globalization

How to use ?