



VanillaRat is an advanced remote administration tool coded in C#. VanillaRat uses the Telepathy TCP networking library, dnlib module reading and writing library, and Costura.Fody dll embedding library.



How To Install:


  1. Download the latest release from the releases section
  2. Ensure a designated port is opened, the default port is 1604
  3. A DNS address is required, you may get one for free at https://no-ip.com/
  4. Run the VanillaRat.exe and have fun!

Note: If you accidentally run VanillaRatStub.exe, you can end the process by opening task manager and killing VanillaRatStub.


  1. Open the solution file
  2. Ensure dnlib is installed on the VanillaRat project
  3. Ensure Costura.Fody, and Telepathy is installed on both the VanillaRat project and the VanillaRatStub project
  4. Build the VanillaRatStub project.
  5. Build the VanillaRat project, open the bin of the VanillaRatStub project, and drag the VanillaRatStub.exe file into the bin of the VanillaRat project.
  6. Run VanillaRat.exe and have fun!
  7. If any modification is made to VanillaRat or VanillaRatStub steps 4-5 need to be repeated.

Using Vanilla Rat:

Setting The Server Up: To get started you must have at least one open port that you do not use with other applications. The default port is 1604. You must also have a dynamic dns address which you can get from https://no-ip.com/. To get started build a client by clicking the builder button in the main settings, please note the client tag is how you will know which client is which (assuming you are not using the program maliciously), and the name is the output exe file. Enter your DNS address and port into their designated fields. If you do not know what the update interval is you can leave it as is. Once you are done click build. Next set the settings up, fill your port in the port field if you changed it, if you do not know what the update interval is you can leave it as is. You can now hit the start server button and the server will now listen for connections.

Client Options: Once a client is connected you can select the client and right click on the client to bring up a menu of options, or you can select the client and click start remote desktop if you wish to start the remote desktop. Some client options have special functions as listed below:





A Special Thanks To:


NYAN-x-CAT (https://github.com/NYAN-x-CAT)

Important Disclaimer:

I, the creator, am in no way responsible for any actions that you may make using this software. You take full responsibility with any action taken using this software. Please take note that this application was designed for educational purposes and should never be used maliciously. By downloading the software or source to the software, you automatically accept this agreement.