

Spotify Tmux Plugin

Control Spotify directly from your tmux session. Compatible with macOS.

add playlist demo


Installation with Tmux Plugin Manager (TPM)

  1. Add the plugin to your tmux.conf:
set -g @plugin 'danjeltahko/spotify-tmux'
  1. Press prefix + <kbd>I</kbd> to install the plugin.


Once installed, you can use the key bindings to control Spotify. By default, the Spotify prefix is set to prefix + <kbd>S</kbd>.

Press the Spotify prefix followed by the configured keybinding:

oOpen Spotify
sToggle shuffle
rToggle repeat
lNext track
hPrevious track
aAdd a playlist
1-9Play playlists 1 through 9
?Show your saved playlists

Caution: When adding a new playlist/album with <kbd>spotifyprefix+a</kbd>, do not use <kbd>:</kbd> in the naming. The playlist file separates the ID, name and Spotify link using <kbd>:</kbd>. So using <kbd>:</kbd> in the name will result in playback issues. Instead, please use <kbd>-</kbd> for example.


You can customize keybindings and other settings by setting tmux options in your tmux.conf:

set -g @spotify-open "o"
set -g @spotify-shuffle "s"
set -g @spotify-open "o"
set -g @spotify-shuffle "s"
set -g @spotify-repeat "r"
set -g @spotify-playpause "p"
set -g @spotify-next "l"
set -g @spotify-prev "h"
set -g @spotify-add-playlist "a"
set -g @spotify-show-playlists "?"

For example, to change the key binding to prefix + <kbd>Shift</kbd> + <kbd>J</kbd>, you'd add:

set -g @spotifyprefix "J"

Status Bar Options

The following options can be interpolated in status-right or status-left:


set -g status-right "#{spotify_track} | #{spotify_artist} | #{spotify_album} | #{spotify_state}"

You can also customize the icons that represent each state by setting tmux options in tmux.conf.

set -g @spotify-shuffle-icon "†"
set -g @spotify-playing-icon ""
set -g @spotify-repeat-icon "Ω"
