

What are Interval sets :question:

Interval sets are similar to ZSET command of Redis, but unlike ZSET's it's a range of number per set, an interval. For example let's say we have a key called ages, that holds free sets of age ranges, pre school, highschool, and college. We will set it as following:

redis> iset.add ages preschool 6 11
redis> iset.add ages highschool 11 18 college 18 50

We will result in a key with 3 sets of age ranges. Now we want to filter out specific set that hold a number in their range, for i.e. iset.score ages 11 Filtering for the value 11, will results in returning 2 available sets: preschool and highschool.

Primary features :rocket:

Quick Start :fast_forward:

docker run -p 6379:6379 --name ris danitseitlin/redis-interval-sets:latest

Commands :computer:


This command sets a new interval set. An interval set can be extended at any time. In the command itself we are able to create 1 or more sets at the same command execution. Each set MUST have a minimum score and a maximum score

iset.add <key> <set name> <min-score> <max-score> [<set name> <min-score> <max-score>...]
redis> iset.add ages highschool 12 18


This command returns existing sets and their min & max scores.
If set name is used, it will retrieve the min & max scores of a specific set.
iset.get <key> [set name]
redis> iset.get ages
1) 1) "a"
   2) "1"
   3) "5"
2) 1) "b"
   2) "3"
   3) "65"

redis> iset.get ages preschool
1) 1) "6"
   2) "11"


This command searches for existing sets that have the given score in their score range.
The returned information is the name of the set **ONLY**
iset.score <key> <score>
redis> iset.score ages 1
1) "a"
redis> iset.score ages 5
1) "a"
2) "b"


This command searches for existing sets that don't have the given score in their score range.
The returned information is the name of the set **ONLY**
iset.not_score <key> <score>
redis> iset.not_score ages 1
1) "b"
redis> iset.not_score ages 5
(empty list or set)


This command can delete a key or a specific set. If no <set name> is passed, the whole list of sets (the key itself) will be removed.
To remove a sepecific set, we will pass **at least** one set name. 
iset.del <key> [<set name>...]
redis> iset.del ages highschool
redis> iset.del ages

Build :hammer:

Run :running_man:


redis-server --loadmodule ./target/release/libintervalsets.so

Mac OS

redis-server --loadmodule ./target/release/libintervalsets.dylib


CommandTime Complexity

Client libraries :books:

Some languages have client libraries that provide support for RedisIntervalSet's commands:

redis-modules-sdkTypescriptBSD-3-ClauseDani Tseitlin @danitseitlinredis-modules-sdk-starsnpm