


Vim adaptation of the famous Afterglow theme from Sublime Text 2/3.

If you like this project, feel free to pay me a cup of coffee! 😊 ☕️ ❤️ 👉     Donate


🚀 Modern and nicely integrated with plugins and environments.

🔋 Batteries included so that you can concentrate on what matters most: your code.

🎨 Easy on the eyes

Click on the image below to view it in the original size (more screenshots below)

<center> <a href="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8104631/68043099-cfbc4800-fcd4-11e9-8b9d-2ba0372f4196.png"> <img width="900" alt="python1" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8104631/68043099-cfbc4800-fcd4-11e9-8b9d-2ba0372f4196.png"> </a> </center>


To enable it, simply add colorscheme afterglow (not vim-afterglow) to your ~/.vimrc after having installed the plugin (manually or by using a package manager).

Airline theme should be updated accordingly, but can be explicitly specified by using let g:airline_theme='afterglow'.


To further customize Afterglow, you can use the following options before setting the color scheme on your vimrc (or init.vim if using NeoVim):


<center> <p>Python</p> <img width="600" alt="python2" src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/8104631/23351157/c9c22072-fcbf-11e6-8c58-a04e0838ce5c.png"> </center> <center> <p>Ruby</p> <img width="600" alt="ruby" src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/8104631/23351154/c99cf856-fcbf-11e6-88f6-857568a7ed8d.png"> </center> <center> <p>HTML</p> <img width="600" alt="html" src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/8104631/23351156/c9bd9318-fcbf-11e6-9f49-0dc661c5aad5.png"> </center> <center> <p>LaTeX</p> <img width="600" alt="latex" src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/8104631/23351155/c9b3d7c4-fcbf-11e6-8229-0c50707a98be.png"> </center>