

Version 4.0.0, synced to MPAndroidChart #f6a398b

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Just a heads up: Charts 5.0 has some breaking changes. Charts has now been renamed DGCharts to prevent conflicts with Apple's new Swift Charts. Please read the release/migration notes.

One more heads up: As Swift evolves, if you are not using the latest Swift compiler, you shouldn't check out the master branch. Instead, you should go to the release page and pick up whatever suits you.

Okay so there's this beautiful library called MPAndroidChart by Philipp Jahoda which has become very popular amongst Android developers, but there was no decent solution to create charts for iOS.

I've chosen to write it in Swift as it can be highly optimized by the compiler, and can be used in both Swift and ObjC project. The demo project is written in ObjC to demonstrate how it works.

An amazing feature of this library now, for Android, iOS, tvOS and macOS, is the time it saves you when developing for both platforms, as the learning curve is singleton- it happens only once, and the code stays very similar so developers don't have to go around and re-invent the app to produce the same output with a different library. (And that's not even considering the fact that there's not really another good choice out there currently...)

Having trouble running the demo?


In order to correctly compile:

  1. Drag the DGCharts.xcodeproj to your project
  2. Go to your target's settings, hit the "+" under the "Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content" section, and select the DGCharts.framework
  3. @import DGCharts
  4. When using Swift in an ObjC project:
  1. When using Realm.io:
    • Note that the Realm framework is not linked with Charts - it is only there for optional bindings. Which means that you need to have the framework in your project, and in a compatible version to whatever is compiled with DGCharts. We will do our best to always compile against the latest version.
    • You'll need to add ChartsRealm as a dependency too.

3rd party tutorials

Video tutorials

Blog posts

Want your tutorial to show here? Create a PR!


Can't compile?

Other problems / feature requests

CocoaPods Install

Add pod 'DGCharts' to your Podfile. "DGCharts" is the name of the library.
For Realm support, please add pod 'ChartsRealm' too.

Note: pod 'ios-charts' is not the correct library, and refers to a different project by someone else.

Carthage Install

DGCharts now include Carthage prebuilt binaries.

github "danielgindi/Charts" == 5.1.0
github "danielgindi/Charts" ~> 5.1.0

In order to build the binaries for a new release, use carthage build --no-skip-current && carthage archive Charts.

Swift Package Manager Install

Swift Package Manager

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/danielgindi/Charts.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "5.1.0"))

3rd party bindings

Xamarin (by @Flash3001): iOS - GitHub/NuGet. Android - GitHub/NuGet.


If you like what you see here, and want to support the work being done in this repository, you could:

Note: The author of MPAndroidChart is the reason that this library exists, and is accepting donations on his page. He deserves them!

Questions & Issues

If you are having questions or problems, you should:


Core features:

Chart types:

Screenshots are currently taken from the original repository, as they render exactly the same :-)

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Currently there's no need for documentation for the iOS/tvOS/macOS version, as the API is 95% the same as on Android.
You can read the official MPAndroidChart documentation here: Wiki

Or you can see the Charts Demo project in both Objective-C and Swift (ChartsDemo-iOS, as well as macOS ChartsDemo-macOS) and learn the how-tos from it.

Special Thanks

Goes to @liuxuan30, @petester42 and @AlBirdie for new features, bugfixes, and lots and lots of involvement in our open-sourced community! You guys are a huge help to all of those coming here with questions and issues, and I couldn't respond to all of those without you.

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Copyright 2016 Daniel Cohen Gindi & Philipp Jahoda

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.