

<div align="center"> <img height="120px" src="screenshots/logo-cropped.png" alt="clicky logo"> <h1>clicky</h1> <p>A clickwheel iPod emulator.</p> </div>

Current focus: Getting Rockbox up and running on an emulated iPod 4G (Grayscale).

Here are some clips:

<table> <tr> <td><img width="320px" src="screenshots/clicky-ipodloader2-lle.gif" alt="clicky booting ipodloader2"></td> <td><img width="320px" src="screenshots/clicky-rockbox-boot.gif" alt="clicky booting rockbox"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="320px">Booting <code>ipodloader2</code> (a third-party bootloader for the iPod)</td> <td width="320px">Successfully booting into <a href="https://www.rockbox.org/"><code>Rockbox</code></a></td> </tr> </table>

This project is not ready for general use yet!

clicky is still in it's early stages, and there hasn't been much effort put into making it easy to use.

That said, if you're a cool hackerman who can jam with the console cowboys in cyberspace, check out the QUICKSTART.md and/or DEVGUIDE.md for info on how to build clicky and start running iPod software!

<p> Join the Developer Discord! <a href="https://discord.gg/kRmKZy7"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/discord/754122157876838441?logo=discord" alt="chat on Discord"> </a> </p>

Call for Contributors!

Up until now, clicky has been a one-man hobby project, and while it's been a great way to kill time during my impromptu COVID-induced "staycation" that spanned the months between University graduation and starting full time work, I won't have too much time to dedicate to clicky moving forwards.

As such, I'm hoping to find a couple folks out there who might be interested in pushing this project forwards!

I've tried to keep the project as clean and well organized as possible, with plenty of inline comments and documentation. I've also included detailed developer-focused documentation under the docs folder.

Additionally, I've kept collected a fairly extensive corpus of iPod documentation / test software which is included in-tree under the resources folder.

If you're interested in emulating an iconic piece of early 2000s pop-culture, don't hesitate to get in touch!

Are you someone with strong reverse engineering experience and wants to help preserve an iconic piece of early 2000s pop-culture? If so, read on!

While I expect that I'll be able to get Rockbox and iPodLinux up and running, I worry that getting Apple's RetailOS working may prove difficult. While lots of reverse-engineering work has already been done by the iPodLinux and Rockbox projects back around 2007, it seems that there are still plenty of registers / memory blocks whose purpose is unknown. clicky can already boot into RetailOS, and I'm noticing lots of accesses to undocumented parts of the PP5020 memory space.

Fortunately, now that we're living in 2020 (i.e: the future), we have access to newer, better tools that can aid in reverse-engineering the iPod. Free and powerful reverse engineering tools (like Gridra), and emulation software (clicky itself) aught to make it easier to inspect and observe the state of the RetailOS binaries while they're being run, and gain insight into what the hardware is supposed to do.

I've got some reverse engineering experience, but truth be told, it's not really my forte, so if you're interested in helping out, please get in touch!

Emulated Hardware

Why these models?

The 4g uses the same/similar SOC as some of the later generation models (PP5020), while using a simpler (grayscale) display. This should make it easier to get display emulation up and running, leaving more time to implement other devices.

The 5g is the first iPod model to support iPod Games, which are an interesting part of gaming history which have never been preserved!

Theoretically, it wouldn't be too difficult to support all the different generations of iPod models (since they all share roughly the same hardware).


Note: This roadmap was written fairly early in the project's development, and hasn't been updated in a while. It's still mostly accurate, though in hindsight, it seems to under/overestimate how complicated certain features are to implement.

The plan is to implement devices and hardware "just in time" throughout development, instead of attempting to one-shot the entire SoC right off the bat. As such, the idea is to gradually test more and more complex software in the emulator, implementing more and more hardware as required.

Stage 1 will be to run some basic bootloader software, and get a feel for the hardware:

Stage 2 will be to running some popular open-source iPod alternative firmwares, such as Rockbox and iPodLinux. Since these projects are open source, is should be possible to trace through the code, making implementing devices / debugging issues a lot easier.

Stage 3 will involve running closed-source Apple software, notably, the original iPod RetailOS:

Once things seem stable, it shouldn't be too difficult to get the iPod 5g up and running, since it's mostly the same hardware, mod the color screen.

Unknowns that might make things tricky

Things probably best left for later

Fluff: Why emulate the iPod?

'cause it's a neat technical challenge! :smile:

Compared to my last big emulation project (ANESE, a NES emulator that automatically maps out NES games), the iPod presents a totally different set of technical challenges to overcome.

First of all, the iPod is a fairly modern system. Unlike the esoteric and custom-made chips used in many game consoles, the iPod uses many off-the-shelf commodity hardware and technologies. As such, this project should be a good way to explore and learn more about the low level details of the ARM architecture, I2S, I2C, USB, IDE HDDs, etc...

Second of all, the iPod isn't very well documented! While this'll probably end up being more annoying than exciting in the long run, I'm excited to do my own research, discover new information, and consolidate information on the iPod myself (as opposed to already having a well organized and complete reference at my disposal *cough* the nesdev wiki *cough*). As it turns out, there's already quite a amount of documentation about the iPod that's floating around (thanks to the iPodLinux and Rockbox projects), but I'm sure there will still be plenty of stuff left for me to discover. Time to finally learn how to use Ghidra I guess!

Lastly, the iPod is a system that's never been emulated before! That means there usually won't be any sort of "escape hatch" when I get stuck, since there's no one else's code I can peek at. Whatever challenges I run in to will be challenges I'm going to have to solve myself! How exciting!

...there is one last reason I want to emulate the iPod though:

It's got Brick Breaker!

ooooooh Brick Breaker baybeeeeee! This game has won game of the year, I don't know how many times!

But seriously, aside from brick breaker, there were actually a whole bunch of iPod Games released for late-gen iPod models ~2006. While these games aren't necessarily masterpieces, they're still pretty neat, and aught to be preserved.

In fact, my initial inspiration for starting this project was actually hearing about these old games, and how no one has ever looked into preserving them. While getting these games working will probably take quite a while, it's a neat long-term goal to aim for.

Thanks and Acknowledgments

This project would be dead in the waters without these folks and projects: