

AngularFire 2 with Ionic

Create a new Ionic project

ionic start angularfire2-sample blank --v2

NPM install any dependencies needed

npm install angularfire2 --save

Import angularfire2's module in the ./src/app.module.ts

import { AngularFireModule, AuthProviders, AuthMethods } from 'angularfire2';

imports: [
    AngularFireModule.initializeApp(firebaseConfig, myFirebaseAuthConfig)

Run npm run build, observe the build error.

npm run build

You should see a lot of output about a namespace error:

Error at /Users/dan/Dev/angularfire2-test/node_modules/angularfire2/interfaces.d.ts:10:26: Cannot find namespace 'firebase'.

This is a known Angularfire2 issue. You can fix it easily by adding the following line to ./node_modules/angularfire2/angularfire2.d.ts

import * as firebase from 'firebase';

Run npm run build to see the progress we've made

npm run build

Okay, all things Typescript are working now. We need to resolve the bundling issue with Rollup.

Let's pass a custom Rollup configuration. Open package.json and create an entry off of the root node called config with an entry for

"config": {
  "ionic_rollup": "./scripts/rollup.config.js"

This line above says we're going to provide our own custom rollup config.

Create a directory called scripts in the project root, and then create a file called rollup.config.js

Copy and paste the content from ./node_modules/@ionic/app-scripts/config/rollup.config.js to ./scripts/rollup.config.js

For fun and validation that we're using the correct rollup config, throw a log statement at the top of ./scripts/rollup.config.js

console.log('Hello from the other side; I must have called 1000 times');

Run npm run build again. You should see the sweet lyrics of Adele logged. We've verified we're using the correct rollup config.

You should also see some errors that look something like this.

Module /Users/dan/Dev/angularfire2-test/node_modules/firebase/firebase-browser.js does not export initializeApp (imported by /Users/dan/Dev/angularfire2-test/node_modules/angularfire2/angularfire2.js

Let's fix them. Rollup, our next-gen bundler, produces much faster bundles, but it struggles a bit with commonjs libraries.

Most of the time, we have found that we can provide namedExports to fix this.

  namedExports: {
    'node_modules/firebase/firebase-browser.js': ['initializeApp', 'auth', 'database']

If you provide your own, newer dependency on Firebase, your commonjs plugin config could look like this:

  namedExports: {
    'node_modules/firebase/firebase-browser.js': ['initializeApp', 'auth', 'database'],
    'node_modules/angularfire2/node_modules/firebase/firebase-browser.js': ['initializeApp', 'auth', 'database']

Firebase has a known issue where it doesn't support strict mode, so disable that in rollup config as well off of the rollupConfig object.

  useStrict: false,
  plugins: [

Now that we've successfully been able to build the app, let's run ionic serve and test it out in the browser.

ionic serve

You now have a working Angularfire2 instance.